Family Running the 2013 TC 10 Mile and TC Marathon

>> Wednesday, October 09, 2013

First things first: Pharmie did NOT keep up her streak of Twin Cities Marathons. She ran it first in 2000, and finally missed this year's race after 13 straight TC Marathons. She had an abdominal injury she was a bit worried about, and she didn't want to do anything stupid. Add in the fact that a lot of her family was running (including her youngest sister doing her longest race BY FAR), she was pretty content to just sit back and cheer this year. She's a little bummed, but she knows it was the right decision.

Pharmie and I drove a lot of her family to the starting line for the 10 Mile and the Marathon on Sunday:

Mike, Jon, Angela, Matt, and Annie. Angela was doing the marathon,
and everyone else was signed up for the 10 Mile.

Right after this photo, I said "let's do a goofy one!" And Matt said "I'm already wearing a f*cking trash bag, so I think that WAS the goofy one." Good point.

We all worked our way to the start of the 10 Mile. As I noted in a post last week, I wasn't worried about Matt or Jon - this was Matt's 4th TC 10, and Jon has done one other 10 Mile before along with a few half marathons and full marathons. Mike did the TC 10 with us 2 years ago, and he said he'd be slower this year (as he grabbed his belly). And this was Annie's longest race EVER - I think she'd only ran a 5K before! We were all proud of her, and I know Pharmie and I were hoping she'd have a good race!

Awesome sports photographer Paul Phillips ready to get a shot of the start of the 10 Mile.

Start of one of the following waves (wave 3 I think).

Mike and Jon!

Love this photo!

I swore Jon was going to moon me, but I guess he was just adjusting his gels.

Little-known fact: Matt was a "woo girl" in college.

Let's zoom out that last photo. We always joke that Matt gets a lot of attention from the ladies. Well, it's not so much a "joke" as it is a "fact." There are 4 ladies checking him out in the uncropped version of that last photo:


Running past.

There's a lot going on here: Annie's chucking her sweatshirt at Pharmie, and she's getting
photobombed by the guy behind her. But I think she cut him off, so maybe she deserves the bomb. :)

Go Annie!

More "adjustments."

Pharmie and I walked our injured selves back to the car and drove back into St. Paul to see our family finish. Grandma and Grandpa (Pharmie's folks) were at our spot a half mile from the finish, and Henry was happily carrying around a half-peeled banana when I got there:

Some high fog on a BEAUTIFUL morning for a race!

Henry and Pharmie cheering on the 10 Mile finishers.

I have too many photos of friends to post here, but I have to share this one of Mark asking
"What, no farm animals this year?!?" Nope, sorry runners!

Here comes Matt!!

And there goes Matt.

Here comes Jon!

Grandma pointing out "There goes Daddy!!" to Evie.

Henry ASKED to be put in the stroller because he wanted a nap. He slept for about an hour!


A high five from big sis!

As this touching moment was taking place, I was

Traditional post-race "steamy Matt" shot. He's so hot right now. #ZoolanderReference

Annie got back up to us and she told us that she was proud of how much she was able to run during the race! She stopped for a bathroom break and walked through a few water stops to get a drink, but she never stopped to walk anywhere else. She was thrilled and we were too!

Mike had a bit of a rough race. His Chipotle burrito that he had for supper the night before didn't sit well with him, and he destroyed a porta potty before mile 3.

Mike's wearing black, which is traditional for a funeral.
The funeral was for the porta potty that he murdered.

Another high five from big sis!

Just after a high five from Mom, on his way to his 2nd TC 10 finish!

A brigade of motorcycles leading the marathon "wheelers."

Dr. Folske's assistant is an elite marathoner (and Runner's World cover model - seriously,
click that link) who finished in 2:34 as the 4th female! And this TC Marathon was the
"2013 US Marathon Championships!" Congrats Michelle!

Recognize this guy? He was arch-nemesis Devon Palmer's relay partner for the big Gear West
relay showdown
this past May. (I actually cheered my butt off for him as he ran by,
and he probably thought "who's this guy?")

Former Olympian Carrie Tollefson ran her FIRST marathon on Sunday (in 3:02)!

"Wait Wait" host Peter Sagal ran by, and I cheered even louder!
(And then got a photo of his sweet legs.)

Sweet shorts.

Even sweeter caveman outfit.

Henry and Uncle Jon sharing a moment under the umbrella.

As you can see, the perfect, cool, sunny morning for the 10 Mile turned a little damp for those running a 3:45+ marathon. Before too long, we saw Angela running up to us:

A smile and high five for her soon-to-be mother-in-law!

A high five for me (as I'm daintily holding my phone to get that last photo - PINKY OUT!)!

Angela finished sub-4:15, which was just a few minutes slower than what she did last year! Congrats Angela!

Afterwards, the whole gang came back to our place:

Birthday cake for 3 siblings with upcoming birthdays!

Each of the 3 had to blow out just one of the candles.
Here's Mike trying to get ONLY his candle blown out.

Here's hoping Pharmie is able to run the marathon again next year, and that we're able to get into the 10 Mile Lottery again (and that I'm not injured!).

CLICK HERE to see Henry's first "Toddler Trot" race report.


Shinianen 6:34 AM, October 09, 2013  

Congrats to everyone! Although, a trash bag is definitely no goofy compared to this:

T 10:11 AM, October 09, 2013  

haha, fantastic photo of mark asking about the animals! and aren't you glad I pointed out those rainbow shorts???

it was great to meet you and pharmie, btw! :)

Unknown 10:46 AM, October 30, 2013  

Don't know if you knew this or not but peter sagal ran boston this year and he was a pacer for a blind guy, they finished 2-5 minutes before the explosions. I don't remember exactly where I heard this at, like if it was on wait wait, some other NPR show, or even a different podcast all together.

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