4 Images

>> Thursday, September 30, 2010

1. A (long-time-coming) gross foot photo:
Yeah, it's been a while. Too long, in fact. The interesting thing is that I've run more in the last 2 months than I EVER have before, but my feet are doing pretty good! I guess that's what happens when you don't run every run ALL OUT. Here's the current state of my right foot:

That's just a SLIGHT purple-haze to my second toe, and a little "rubbed-raw" spot on the knuckle of my third toe. Not too shabby.

2. Oh, how about another gross foot photo:
I came across 2 small plantar warts on my right foot about 10 days ago, so I started treating them with "wart pads" so they weren't painful for the race. This is how they looked last night after they've been "burned" off by the wart pads:

I may need to treat them a little more, but I'm letting them be from now through the race to make sure I don't have 2 nice, soft, tender spots on my foot during the hard-fought 10 Mile.

3. Road closed:
I took this photo just off of Summit Avenue on my way to class this morning:

Damn right!

4. Running the race route:
I've got a good sense of the race course for this weekend. I've recently ran ALL of it except for the first 2 miles and the last half mile or so. Here, check out the nerdy map I made with all my taper-time:

So as you can see, miles 2.5 - 4.5 and miles 5.5 - 9 are routes I'm VERY familiar with. Two days ago, I ran the "big hill" at mile 2 along with the very middle part of the course. And I've ran most of the final stretch of the route within the last 2 months, but I also work right along that stretch, so I see it (and walk along it and drive along it) a few days each week.

Back with a HAIRY "Friday Funny" tomorrow! Thanks everyone!


misszippy 8:04 AM, September 30, 2010  

Thanks for imprinting those images on my brain for the day!

ShutUpandRun 8:29 AM, September 30, 2010  

Are you sure that's not ringworm?

GoBigGreen 9:58 AM, September 30, 2010  

Ok STOP analyzing the crap out of this thing. You can float up that Franklin Hill I know it:)
Love ya Steve, you are gonna do awesome!

The Boring Runner 10:03 AM, September 30, 2010  

I may not get a chance to say it before the race, but good luck.

Knowing that you can do it is half the battle. Know you can and you will.

(sort of a "if you build it, they will come" type of a deal)

SteveQ 10:16 AM, September 30, 2010  

So you're an old hand at all of the course except the parts with hills. I'll be cheering at the start of the St. Thomas hill. Best of luck!

Anonymous,  10:19 AM, September 30, 2010  

You have done all the hard work to prepare for your goal, now it is time to just let the natural laws of preparation show themselves on race day. We are all rooting for you, and inspired by your enthusiasm and dedication. Rock it out Steve!

Joel 9:53 PM, September 30, 2010  

OK...I couldn't get past those nasty, narly feet to read the rest of the post. I think my retinas just burned out.

Oh - btw, good luck with your race.

The Triathlon Rx 8:33 PM, October 02, 2010  

we should meet for a river run some time post-marathon!

Edwin 2:10 AM, October 05, 2010  

no need to shoot everything...it eeks...well watch your health and feet in particular

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