Mosquito Man Duathlon: The Plan

>> Saturday, September 04, 2010

I love my coach. This is what she told me:

In a race this short....this not think. Leave your brain at home and run so hard you puke and when you think you are going hard, go harder and do not stop. SAME with the bike. The bike will hurt more b/c we have been run focusing...but you get the drift. NO strategy in this short race....suffer.


No, but really, my job is to use this as my “speed work” at the end of an easy week. So I’ve gotta just go nuts out there. And the bike WILL be painful / ugly / vomit-inducing because all of my riding for the past 4 weeks has been easy rides after long, hard runs. AND my bike computer is broke (no, it’s not just the battery), so I’m riding all by “perceived effort!” I could be going 16 mph or 26 mph, and I’ll have no idea! SHOULD BE INTERESTING!!

I saw something interesting on Facebook yesterday. I can’t help but think that my post 2 posts down had something to do with this:

I felt kinda bad. Then I kinda laughed. ;) And I picked up some cupcakes too... I think the loser should feed the winner...

I’ll be back with a photo or 2 tomorrow to let you all know how this duel between Jenny and I goes down, and I’ll have my full report (with lots of photos from Pharmie) on Monday (Labor Day). Wish me luck! Here we go!!


Jim Smith II 8:34 AM, September 04, 2010  

Good luck Steve. No pictures of the puke, m'kay?

Unknown 9:37 AM, September 04, 2010  

Good luck..GO hard!!! It sucks feeling like you have to puke but its all worth it in the end!! :)

Unknown 12:24 PM, September 04, 2010  

good luck steve. I'm with Jim, not puke pics please!

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