Pharmie’s Got a New 70.3 PR!!!

>> Monday, September 13, 2010

Just a quick post:

Yesterday, Pharmie raced the new “Rev3” Cedar Point Half Iron race in Sandusky, Ohio. She was there with her Team EvoTri teammates. Here are 3 team photos from the weekend:

Pharmie, Robby B, Rural Girl, Sweet, and Wil the day before the race

Sweet, Rural Girl, Stu, Robby B, and J.P. after a quick ride

Tri-Cajun, Sweet, Robby B, TriSaraTops, Pharmie, and Rural Girl

Pharmie had a GREAT race in the half iron distance, and here are a few quick photos of her:

Out of Lake Erie

Heading out on the ride

Being filmed in T2 - ROCKSTAR!!

Down the finisher’s chute

Across the line with a new half iron distance PR!

Back with lots more photos in the next couple of days! Congrats all of Team EvoTri on great races!! (Some of them had AMAZING finishes!)


RW 6:56 AM, September 13, 2010  

My congrats to Pharmie. I thought of her while I raced yesterday. So glad she got that long awaited PR!

Kim 7:31 AM, September 13, 2010  

woohoo, awesome job pharmie!

Jennifer Harrison 8:41 AM, September 13, 2010  


Anonymous,  8:43 AM, September 13, 2010  

Wooot, great job! Congrats on the new PR Pharmie :) Looking forward to the race report.

Unknown 10:08 AM, September 13, 2010  

YAY Pharmie!!! Congrats!

E-Speed 12:26 PM, September 13, 2010  

Pharmie did great and I am so glad I get to catch up with you guys! So funny how she bounded up those stairs to Maverick!

teacherwoman 12:34 PM, September 13, 2010  

Congrats to Pharmie! WAHOO!

B. Kramer 2:25 PM, September 13, 2010  

Nicely done, Pharmie! I didn't know you guys were going to be in my state. I would have considered showing up to heckle you. Oh well. Cheers!

Jumper 2.0 8:30 PM, September 13, 2010  

Great job Sarah!

I'm very interested in hearing what you guys have to say about a rev 3 race!

Ironman By Thirty 9:03 PM, September 13, 2010  

Congrats Pharmie!!!

Steve - Did you notice Pharmie's technique in that last picture? She appears to successfully be stopping her watch while looking forward and smiling for the camera. You could learn something from her :) haha

Fe-lady 12:22 PM, September 14, 2010  

faster and faster...way to go sub 6!

CoachLiz 9:21 PM, September 14, 2010  

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am laughing because your lovely wife has the same finish line photo pose as you normally have...stopping her watch. She has learned from the best, or is it the other way around?

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