More Rev3 Photos

>> Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rev3 Cedar Point photos just came online. This was the half iron race that Pharmie did with along with her EvoTri teammates. Here are 10 more photos from their race:

Pharmie coming out of the water

These next three photos are from James, the hubby of one of the Evotri team members. (Click here to see James' photos from Rev3.) I love how epic these are:

Beating a WHOLE PACK of swimmers out of the water!

This should be my desktop image

On the bike (on the narrow causeway out of the park)


Rural Girl

Pharmie running with a roller coaster in the background

Robby hitting the finish!

Pharmie down the chute with a look that says "PR BABY!"

If you missed ALL the photos from my big Rev3 Cedar Point "Sherpa Report," CLICK HERE to check it out.

Oh, and remember how I was cheering on DKT, our local pro triathlete who finished 3rd in the full iron race at Rev3 Cedar Point? He had 2 items from McDonalds on him during the race, and he ate one of them 90 miles into the bike! CLICK HERE to read my Examiner article about his secret food weapon that helped him turn in an 8:36 finish in his first Iron-distance race!


Jamie 2:56 PM, September 21, 2010  

I love all of the epic photos!

Unknown 5:21 PM, September 21, 2010  

The epic photos are even more awesome because the "pack" behind her is all guys! Atta girl!!!

zbsports 8:02 PM, September 21, 2010  

Awesome pictures, it catches all the action. Nice!!!

Fe-lady 7:48 AM, September 22, 2010  

Great Photos! Actually, Tracy's hubby took better ones than the "official" photographer! :-)

I have heard of frozen McDonalds treats in Bento boxes before! I think McDonalds should grab ahold of a pro triathlete and sponsor him/her.
Just goes to show that fuel is fuel is fuel....but YOU knew that!

Kim 4:12 PM, September 22, 2010  

Great photos. I just read that article by DKT.. wow.. that is something to eat like that on the bike. I mean, I have trouble holding a bar and opening. The dude ate a sandwich! Wow! That might blow all of my sports nutrition knowledge right out the window!!

Sparklinglady 8:46 PM, September 22, 2010  

yes you should make that your desktop image. i'm tempted to make it MY desktop image! these posts bring back many memories of when i did the MS150 Pedal to the Point ride like 20 years ago!

Anonymous,  9:46 AM, September 25, 2010  

Hey - tell RuralGirl that her elbow angle is really wide. Remember you had the same issues then you got a bike fit, and fixed that, and you got faster/better?

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