Photos from the Iron Girl Duathlon

>> Monday, September 27, 2010

Yesterday, I headed out to the Iron Girl Duathlon in Bloomington, MN. I had nothing to do in the morning, so I figured I'd bump into someone I knew at the race. And I LOVE to cheer at races!

I ran into Dave N and Dan K right away (plus TONS more people throughout the morning). Dan and I ended up chatting through the entire race (his wife was doing the race). I ran into my archenemy racing buddy Jenny Wilcox and Suzie Finger too - they were both ready to race.

I wrote an Examiner article about the race, and I put up nearly 40 photos. CLICK HERE to go to the article. And check out a few photos from the race below.

The start of wave 2 - Dan's wife is 2nd from the right

A later wave starting with some women already on the bike

Jenny Wilcox starting the run - this photo sums up her amazing race!

Suzie Finger starting the race

Dan and I headed up to watch the bikers go by on the 2-loop ride. Dan ended up running back down the hill to help a racer who was having trouble with her chain:

These guys got her going again in no time (Dan's on the left)

Suzie starting loop 2

Jenny flying by to start the final loop

Dan receiving the hand-off from his wife as she started the final run

A smile and wave from Suzie coming out of T2

Cute high-5s to start the final run

Jenny nearing the finish with ANOTHER WIN!

Suzie nearing the line with a FIFTH PLACE FINISH!

Again, CLICK HERE to go to my first Examiner article about the race (along with a lot of images) and CLICK HERE for the second article, which only consists of more images. Thanks everyone!

6 days to my big race! *gulp*


RW 9:06 AM, September 27, 2010  

maybe you could get jenny to tell you about her decision to always race is calf compression sleeves... inquiring minds want to know!

SteveQ 12:06 PM, September 27, 2010  

Just realized there's no "search" button on your blog! I was looking for a picture you had that had Erika Sperl-Imhoff in it (and then realized I'd have to go through every race report photo anyway).

Unknown 5:51 PM, September 27, 2010  

I love that you went to the race "just because you like to cheer at races". :) Congrats to Jenny and Suzie (and everyone else of course!)

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