Ironman Wisconsin is TOMORROW

>> Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tomorrow is Ironman Wisconsin, and Pharmie and I will have to miss it. We have a lot of friends racing, and we want to wish them all the best!!!

Last year, you may remember we were cheering on Mike and Jenny in their first Ironman:

Just as Pharmie's pulling away after a hug

I took some video of Mike in the final moments of his IM race as he was heading towards the finisher's chute, running some of the final stretch while laughing and joking with his boys:

Direct link on YouTube

But Mike and Jenny both missed the 17 hour cut-off. It was a real bittersweet day. They both got in all 140.6 miles, but they just didn't quite do it in time. Here's Pharmie's photo of Mike crossing the finish line:

(If you want to see a little more about Mike and Jenny from IM WI 2009, click here to go to my post from last year - it was the first post I put up post-IM. I seriously still get choked up when I read about coming across Mike after he knew it was too late, but he knew he was going to finish the race.)

A few days later, I had this incredibly sweet note in my inbox:


I would like to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for all the support you gave my son and daughter-in-law, Mike and Jenny, on Sunday. Unfortunately, I could not be there. I live in North Carolina as do my parents. My dad recently had a knee replacement and is just starting to get around. I had to make the choice to either go to Wisconsin or to stay here with them as he was not up to traveling yet. I cried all day as I would hear bits and pieces of how they were doing. I was concerned, worried and most of all proud.

If people only really knew where they started. Mike was so big that he could hardly walk. They were here visiting one year and we wanted to walk over to the Lake and he could not make it even one block. He had to come back to the house. Jenny, too, was really big as you have seen from their pictures. But they are the most loving couple. And probably the best parents ever. They are so much fun to be around. I can't begin to tell you how much I love them. Soul mates is the word for them. They truely are. I could not have hand-picked a better person than Jenny for Mike. I love her like my own child.

For you and your wife to watch out for them was heart-warming for me. And being able to see Mike run with his boys and then cross the finish line was awesome. Thank you Steve. People like you have no idea how you impact other people's lives. You have touched my heart and I will be forever grateful. I hope to get to meet you and Pharmie next year at Ironman WI 2010.

God Bless You.
Gail Wimmer (Mike's mom)

I really, REALLY, REALLY wish we could be there this year, but unfortunately we can't. Mike and Jenny, best of luck to you 2 this year! Go get it!

And good luck to the dozens of our other friends out there racing as well!! We'll be checking in on you all day!! ENJOY THE DAY!!


Gabriel Losa 12:12 PM, September 13, 2010  

"you have no idea how you impact other people's lives"
That´s true, man!
Even with a quick chuckle or with a heart-warming story, your blog is really good and shows how kind you are.
Keep up the good work.
(and sorry for my broken English again)
Greetings from Argentina
Gabriel (one of the winners of the drymax socks last year)

Unknown 3:18 PM, September 13, 2010  

Thanks Steve, appreciate the well wishes.
I came in at 16:22 so smashed last year by about an hour and 15 minutes. :)
Congrats to Pharmie for the PR ar Rev3- what a rock star!

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