June in Review: a Busy Month with Decent Training!

>> Saturday, July 08, 2023

Here's what June looks like in my training log:

SWIM: 9,400 yards
BIKE: 152.77 miles
RUN: 99.80 miles
STRENGTH: 37 hrs and 5 mins

The big surprise is that I got in some decent numbers (nothing AMAZING... but "decent") for being away from home so much. I posted a little about that in this post, but here's more of when I was away:

• June 4-9: up north with my boys and Mom!
• June 12: at a waterpark all day.
• June 16-18: camping with my in-laws.
• June 19: a full day at Valleyfair.
• June 25-27: mountain biking in Cuyuna.

On top of that, I ran a fake half marathon while camping in WI on the 18th, and also raced my first 800 meters since high school on the 24th (which also means I had an easy day before that and a low-mileage week because of racing). And I got in a speed day on the north shore.

All of this added up means I spent 14 days away from home!! And still got in some decent numbers.

Oh, and 100% of those bike miles were with my "commuter" bike or mountain bike (2 bikes that have the same frame, but one has knobby tires for trails, and the other has smoother tires with a milk crate attached to the back) because my bike was in the shop all month. These totals are all very average, but I'm extra happy with them being so much was going on in my regular life.

Here's a look at my last 13 months by TIME and DISTANCE. The TIME shows missing red at the top of June as I had no trainer time for the first time in over 3 years (because of my busted bike):

TIME for June.

DISTANCE for June. (May was so big because I biked to school with my boys a lot.)

After a fun, family-filled June, I'm hoping to post some better numbers again in July.


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