January in Review

>> Saturday, February 04, 2023

I still need to put together my "2022 in review" post, but that takes TIME! In the meantime, here's a look at last month's training:

• SWIM: 7,720 yards. This is 2 "normal" weeks, a week in Mexico, and a week getting back to normal while not being able to fit in a swim. And then this last partial week I ended up swimming on Thurs, so I got in my weekly swim, but it shows up in Feb.

• TRAINER: 9 hrs 28 mins. Again, it started with 2 "normal" weeks. Then nothing the week of Mexico, and then 2 kind of normal rides the following week. Because of missing the whole week while in Mexico, this is my smallest monthly total in a long time: 2022 AND 2021 had bigger months EVERY month - my first total lower than this was back in Dec of 2020! (But I'm not complaining - I've just been VERY consistent over the last few years, so taking a week off shows in my totals.)

• RUN: 105.63 miles. I ran 107 miles in August of last year, and 100 a year ago January. I ran just over 100 miles in 2 months in 2021. But besides the 107 miles a few months ago, the last time I was over 105 miles was in January of 2016! That's 7 years ago! I had a nice month of running. (And the way it lined up allowed it to be bigger on paper: it was 4 "normal" weeks of running with then a 5th long run at the end of the month. If the month had started and ended a few days earlier, my total would have been down by 6 miles or so.)

• STRENGTH: 37 hrs 43 mins. This is SLIGHTLY on the low side with only 2 months of 2022 being less than this. But still solid numbers here.

So here's why I had some weirder numbers: I was in Mexico the 15th - 22nd, and then I flew to Florida with my brother-in-laws early Fri through early Mon the 27th - 29th:

Red means gone!

So considering those 2 trips (thinking about the time away from home AND the work to get prepared and then caught up before and after them), this month of training is quite decent!

Here's a quick post with some pics from Mexico, here are some workouts from that trip, and here's a post about mile repeats that I did along the road in Mexico. A few pics from Florida coming soon!


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