Faster-Than-Normal Treadmill Long Run

>> Tuesday, February 28, 2023

After a decent 2x2 mile interval workout 10 days ago and some solid long runs over the last few weeks, I had a long run that "tested" me yesterday.

I started the winter running my "middle at-pace miles" from 8.9 mph speeding up to 10.0 mph. I quickly upped that a little doing 9.0 to 10.1 mph. (And the majority of those were 11-12 miles with 6 "at pace" miles.)

Yesterday, after a weekend of eating crap and partying at a family wedding...

The reception hall was part of an old bank (notice the vault in the background).

Playing the next morning with cousins.

...I didn't have high hopes for my long run. But I still wanted to push myself. So I started at 9.1 mph planning to go to 10.2 mph over 6 miles. But part way into it (and it was NOT because I was feeling good), I decided to try to go 6.5 miles and up to 10.3 mph.

And I succeeded! It all went as planned! I think because I was READY for it to suck, I had the mental wherewithal to suffer through this workout. My half mile splits for the 6.5 "at pace" miles were:

3:17, 3:15, 3:13, 3:11, 3:09, 3:07, 3:05, 3:03, 3:01, 2:59, 2:58, 2:56, 2:54

= 40:13, or 6:11.23/mile for those 6.5 miles

Being it was faster and farther than normal, it was my fastest "at pace" miles in a treadmill long run maybe ever. (They are usually aroujnd 6:18/mile or so with "faster" workouts being around 6:15/mile.)

Boom. Nice.

All in all, it was 12 miles in 81 minutes. I'm happy with that!


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