Good All-Around Training Week After a Few Odd Weeks

>> Saturday, February 18, 2023

I had an odd end to January as I had a week in Mexico followed by a long weekend in Florida. After a week of settling back in (the week of Jan 30th through Feb 5 which was a bit odd early on but ended pretty normally), I had a NICE all-around week last week:

RUNS: a real good long run and 2 easier runs for 22.2 total miles.

BIKE TRAINER: a 90 min ride and a PR 2 HOUR RIDE (that I'll post about soon) for my biggest bike week in a long time at 3 hours and 32 minutes. (August of 2022 was the last time I had a longer week in the saddle.)

SWIM: a normal single swim workout of broken 400s and 200s that I like to do. 2500 yards is on the longer side for swim workouts for me.

STRENGTH: just over 10 hours is BIG. Tuesday was a shorter upper body day and Thursday was more of a normal upper body day, but the rest of the days were all on the longer side.

Back with a bit about my wild longest-trainer-ride-ever shortly. And I have more Mexico photos to show soon as well. Happy weekend!!


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