Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: An Interview With my Runner Friend Getting Over COVID

>> Thursday, September 10, 2020

My running/blogger friend Lauren who I wrote about a few weeks ago who is still getting over COVID was recently interviewed by Carrie Tollefson in her weekly C Tolle Run podcast:

HERE'S the direct link to her interview.

Carrie saw my Facebook post about Lauren in early August, and soon the 3 of us were group chatting to set up a podcast interview between Lauren and Carrie. And it actually happened! I love connecting people. (I got a mini shout-out from Carrie near the end of the interview.)

About 1/3 of the way in, Lauren explains how it attacked her lungs (and how it's different than other lung issues), and why it's been so bad for her. Carrie mentioned something pretty quickly about how Lauren is coughing a lot and how she's just letting her be herself as there was no trying to hide those coughs for a "cleaner" sounding interview.

Around 30 minutes in, Lauren talked about how she likes doing her long runs on a track. LIKE 4 HOURS ON A TRACK! She's nuts.

Lauren makes a point near the end that's similar to a point she made in her recent "Women's Running" article. And that is that the news of "deaths" isn't the only news we need to be watching. Lauren is a "recovered" COVID patient in the statistics, but she's faaaaaaaaaaaaaar from being "back to normal." She says she doesn't consider herself recovered (I mean, listen to her story - no one would consider her "recovered").

Again, check out her podcast interview here, and her written interview in Women's Running here.

Keep getting better, Lauren!!

For more "Thirsty Thursday" posts that highlight workouts, body science, and all kinds of interesting information, CLICK HERE. As always, back with some "Friday Funnies" tomorrow.


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