Quick Fishing/Hiking Trip to Lake Maria State Park

>> Saturday, September 05, 2020

Yesterday, the boys and I got away for a few hours. They had their first few days of school this past week (masked, with lots of restrictions), but they had Friday off:

It was the first time ALL of our "first days" lined up!

So Friday morning, we headed northwest to Lake Maria State Park:

There's a rare turtle that nests here, and you're supposed to alert staff if you see it.

The color cast of an old vault toilet.

Checking out the lake - ready to fish!

On the fishing pier.

No nibbles.

Self portrait with "Dad hat" and Spider-Man fishing pole.

Hiking a bit later as the fish weren't biting.

This looks cool, but it's all invasive buckthorn.

Our hike was a big loop, and it opened to some marshy areas near the middle...

... and it's hard to tell, but then we climbed a hill...

... before heading down the other side and back into the trees.

We found a "hike in" camper cabin that we'd love to try this winter!

Marshy area around the corner from the cabin (which is up on the hill slightly to the left).

An overlook near the end of our hike.

Lake Maria was MN State Park #60!! (Out of 71!)

Back with some training updates soon.


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