The Rest of our Carrots in a Beef Roast

>> Saturday, September 26, 2020

A few days ago, I picked all of the remaining carrots from our small urban garden. They were "ready" weeks ago, but the boys have enjoyed pulling them up and immediately eating them, so we've left them in the garden for just that reason: a positive veggie experience for our boys (and an easy uptick in their veggie consumption). But I came in with a handful of the 60 remaining carrots on Wednesday:

Extra small once you see them with the tops removed.
1 lb 1 oz for 60 carrots! (Hand for scale.)

Found this little guy who snuck in on the tops.

Just 5/8s of an inch!

Our tiny onions went into the roast as well. (Hand for scale.)

The roast called for 1 onion. So I cut up an onion from my Mom's garden (which was on the small side), and then I added these as well. Our onions were tiny because we had a tomato overtake them and hog their sun, and I'd much rather have more tomotoes, so I just let everything be. I figured all of that totaled about "1 onion." And I only had to cut 3 of the carrots in half - the rest were plenty small on their own. I added the carrots, onions, and some small potatoes to the roast.

After a few hours of cooking, we were ready to eat. I laughed when I pulled the veggies out and one of the onions looked a lot like the small potatoes:

An onion among potatoes.

The roast was good, but it was MUCH better once everything got drizzled with what was left in the crockpot (juices from the roast, a red wine reduction, some beef stock, and lots of herbs):

Beef roasts (and chili and soups/stews) mark the start of fall around here!...


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