A Third 20+ Mile Running Week

>> Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Last week was nothing fancy. Just some normal strength work, some easy trainer rides, and 3 nice runs:

My long run was my first over 10 miles as I briefly mentioned in a post last week. Wednesday's run was just "a run" - nothing fancy, and just easy. And then Friday's run was a fun / new / interesting track workout.

And (as the title suggests) it was my 3rd week in a row of 20+ running miles: 20.11 miles, 20.50 miles, and now 20.70 miles. This current week should be a 4th week in a row, but next week will probably drop below 20 miles as it's leading up to the race. Oops, I realized the next week CONTAINS the race as well, so I should end up with 5 weeks in a row of 20+ miles before backing off post-race.

I might have more on last week's long run and yesterday's long run shortly.


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