Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: Your "Ah Ha" Moment for 2019

>> Thursday, December 12, 2019

A long time "blogger buddy" just posted an interesting question on Facebook. Ryan Falkenrath is an athlete and coach at Set The Pace Triathlon Coaching, and you can follow him on Facebook as well. He asked his Facebook friends what was the big enlightening moment they had for the year. Many of these are a bit more "long course triathlon" specific, but there are still nuggets of good info in there:

I piped up on the treadmill one, because I found the benefit of that this past winter and spring. It helped propel me to my fastest spring 10 mile with a top-10 finish at Goldy's Run 10 Mile in early April.

If I had to add my "ah ha" moment, it might be something about consistency. This year (but really starting last year), I was really consistent in my run and swim training, and it showed. I'm injured now (unrelated to the "consistency"), so I can't still be preaching about that, but it really helped me in the pool especially. Find a routine that works, be open to adjusting it as needed, and don't expect immediate results - consistency over time WILL pay off.

For more on Ryan, check out his coaching here, and follow him on Facebook here. Thanks for letting me share this, Ryan!

For more "Thirsty Thursday" posts that highlight workouts, body science, and all kinds of interesting information, CLICK HERE. As always, back with some "Friday Funnies" tomorrow.


Ryan 12:56 PM, December 12, 2019  

Good stuff and YES, consistency over TIME will get you further and faster!!!

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