Friday Funny 1691: That New Peloton Ad

>> Friday, December 06, 2019

This video's been all the rage this week. People were noting how desperate the actress seems in this. The 30-second clip chronicles the already-slim woman’s "wellness journey," which includes 6 a.m. wake-ups and working out five days in a row, and concludes with a shot of her on the couch with her partner at the end of the year, watching the selfie diary together on a TV. (Via)

Here's the ad:

As a "fitness enthusiast," I don't see the huge deal. I like to workout 7 days a week. But I TOTALLY can see why some people think it's gone a bit too far. Peloton had to take down the comments and disable commenting on YouTube. Yikes.

Here are some Twitter reactions, starting with the guy who made fun of Peloton ads earlier this year:

This is quite true.

Finally, watch this spoof video of the ad that is quite fantastic:

UPDATE: Ryan Reynolds (yes, the actor) owns a gin company. He hired the same actress to appear in a commercial for his booze. It's meant to be a funny follow-up to the Peloton ad. Check it out here. Golden.

For more fun at Peloton's expense, check out this "Friday Funny" from earlier this year where someone makes fun of the oddly "rich looking" settings in their ads.

Lots more funny things posted all week long on


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