Goodbye Tri Suit

>> Saturday, December 07, 2019

I recently said goodbye to an old friend. I partnered with a PR firm who did work for Sugoi many years ago, and I raced MANY triathlons in my Sugoi tri suit:

From some 2009-2011 triathlon. Probably Chisago Lakes?

I set my Olympic Distance PR of 2:15 in that suit in 2010 (a year otherwise know as "pre-kids").

Well now, after years of racing in "fancier" shorts, I figured I didn't need the "boring" tri suit anymore. And we've been doing some de-cluttering around here as well. So up on eBay it went:

Yep, a fully functional (but slightly-yellow-in-the-white-parts) tri suit went for $33.89

The auction contained lots of close up photos of
the tri suit, but then a few of me racing in it as well.

The "pinky and the brain" plaid shorts and the "tutti fruitti" wild lightning shorts I wear now days are just swim jammers, so I do duathlons and triathlons with Sugoi tri shorts under them. They offer me the padding I need to get through the bike. So my Sugoi days are still with me. (And by "still with me," I mean "still protecting my taint.")

I hope eBay user Luis from Puerto Rico can get a few races out of my old boy!


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