Injury Week / Rest Week Post-Race

>> Tuesday, September 04, 2018

Ten days ago was the Maple Grove Triathlon where I noted having some pain pre- and post-race that felt just like my big sacrum issue from 2013. The race was Saturday. I did nothing but stretch on Sunday. Then the following week (last week) looked like this:

Lightest looking week in a looooooong time.

- MONDAY: a shorter versions of a 200s swim workout. Sacrum was achy, but OK. Swam AFTER I did some upper body because of this:

One million percent true.

- TUESDAY: NOTHING. Got my boys from 2 days at Grandmas.

- WEDNESDAY: biked to and from the State Fair. (As seen here.) And did some legs. Working my legs HELPED the sacrum tightness (as it did back in 2013).

- THURSDAY: quick upper body, then lots of walking at Valleyfair.

- FRIDAY: 100s in the pool. Slow, but NO SACRUM ISSUES what-so-ever!

- SATURDAY: a "test" run with the boys. We officially hit 100 miles of stroller running for the summer! (I noted we were at 99.81 miles in this post pre-race 10 days ago.) Everything held up FINE for 5 miles:

Then I did LOTS of legs: some good legs at the gym, and some easier "PT legs" at home later.

- SUNDAY: things still felt fine after running (THE BIG TEST!), so I just hopped on the trainer and did 70 minutes. Mostly moderate, with 5x90 sec efforts near the end for funzies.

Today I went for an 8 miler, and things went OK! I still need to see how it feels over the next 18 hours or so. Hopefully I'll be back at it for the TC 10 Mile in 4.5 weeks!!


Evan Roberts 8:58 PM, September 04, 2018  

No mention of how you saw your favorite local New Zealander out for a recovery shuffle with his buddy on Saturday?!

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