The Tale of Four Weeks (Training, That Is)

>> Monday, September 24, 2018

These last 4 training weeks have each had their own emphasis. And even their own mood.


Depressed post-race week thinking I may have hurt my sacrum and might have to not run for months.

Out of the blue, I had a LOT of pain leading up to the Maple Grove Triathlon on Aug 25th. I took 4 days off in the 5 days post-race (not counting an easy bike ride to the State Fair), and then things felt OK on an easy run 7 days post-race. Whew. Dodged a not-running-for-4-months bullet.


Cautiously optimistic.

I was pushing some distance: a good week of running mileage (for me) including my longest run in 2018. And pushing the distance in the pool as a way to work on my endurance as well. And Sunday (the 9th) held my first decent long ride in 3 weeks.


A pre-race week where I pushed the distance.

Two weeks before, I was bummed because I wasn't racing any more running races for a while (skipping some because of the possible sacrum issue), and figured multisport season was done for the next 9 months. So racing on the 16th came as a GREAT/FUN surprise.

Those are 2 longer runs and a long ride for a "taper" week that ends in a sprint triathlon. I was focused on endurance training for the TC 10 Mile and not *as* concerned with the sprint triathlon. (But the "One Last Tri" WAS a lot of fun.)


A post-race week building milage again.

Monday was a rest day post-race, I took an extra day off from running on Tuesday, and then the distance built. Two longer swims, a decent mid-week long ride and a weekend interval ride, and then my longest run of the year WHICH WAS WITH BOTH BOYS IN THE STROLLER! I think I have one more long run coming later this week, and then it's resting up for the TC 10 Mile which is just under 2 weeks away!

Back with some camping photos hopefully tomorrow. The boys and I got away for a chilly tent trip this past weekend.


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