THEE Best Headlamp. Ever. I'm Pretty Sure. (AND A GIVEAWAY!)

>> Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A former student of mine now works for a company that makes this:

It's the I-VIEW headlamp. It's for doing anything where you might need a headlamp: working on your car, doing housework in a dark location, biking when it's dark, etc. I've had a headlamp for about 10 years that I mainly use when doing some bike maintanance and when camping, but this I-VIEW light doesn't even compare to my other headlamp.

The I-VIEW is rechargeable and has a CRAZY wide beam of light. You won't believe this.

With my "normal" headlamp, I need to pivot it around to make sure it's pointing where I need it to be. It's a bit of a pain, especially when doing something up close and other things at arm's length - I'm constantly adjusting the pivot point on my "regular" headlamp.

With this I-VIEW, there's no pivot point on the headband because there doesn't need to be - the beam of light is SOOOO wide that you literally can't move your eyes to a place where the beam of light isn't covering!

HERE'S A COMPARISON. Here's a shot (from my iPhone) in our pitch black basement from my point-of-view as I'm wearing my old "normal" headlamp:

Tiny glowing spot in the middle by our soda fridge and upright freezer
(would be plenty bright when doing up close work).

And here's the same point-of-view when I'm wearing the I-VIEW:

Boom. Light EVERYWHERE. (And yes, those are my 2 cases of soda from my recent trip to
MN Largest Candy Store
, and my new PVC roller for my legs.)

These were only resized in Photoshop - I did not adjust anything else. (And I didn't do any exposure adjusting when taking the photo.) This is how awesome the I-VIEW is! Here's actually a panoramic iPhone shot to show how wide the coverage is:

The cabinet on the far left faces the white wall on the far right, so it's nearly
180 degrees of coverage. (I took this while not pivoting my head.)

When wearing the I-VIEW, it's nearly IMPOSSIBLE to see the edge of the light. The headlamp lights practically everything within your possible field of view. It's fantastic. It's unlike any headlamp I've ever seen. Seriously, it's awesome.

It would be great as an additional light while biking (or even just your main light) because, well, just LOOK at that bright photo of my basement above. Imagine lighting the ENTIRE bike path with a wide beam of light like that. And it could be good for nighttime running too. It's a bit big for that, but it's lightweight and (as I mentioned) it doesn't pivot, so there's nothing to have to readjust if it bounces out of alignment.

Here are 4 points they make about this headlamp on their website:

Superior Illumination
Set to low or high for a bright 80 to 160 lumens of LED light.

Hands-free On/Off
Wave your hand in front of the lamp to turn it on or off. Even when wearing gloves.

6 Hours of Operation
And up to 3 hours at the highest setting, with only 4 hours to recharge fully.

Lasting Comfort
So you can focus on the work. Remarkably light at a little over 4 oz. I-VIEW is also dust and water-proof.

There's 1 button on either side of the I-VIEW (2 buttons total). The 1 on the left is your basic "click once for BRIGHT, click again for LESS BRIGHT, and click again for OFF" button. The 1 on the right is a great function that's listed as the second point above: click that button, and then you simply wave your hand in front of the light to turn it off and on. If you're doing something greasy but then have to turn off the light to talk to someone (because you don't want to blind them), then just wave your hand in front of the light. That's a GREAT IDEA.


Just leave a comment on this blog post. Yep. It's that easy. I'll pick a random winner from the comments on this post.

If you want to earn an EXTRA entry (totally optional), "like" the Steve in a Speedo page on Facebook and leave a comment on the post about this giveaway. If you've already liked my page, you can still comment on that Facebook post for an extra entry.

Say, for example, I get 50 comments here on this blog post and 20 comments on Facebook, I'll pick a number from 1-70 to pick a winner (calling the 50 blog comments #1-50 and the 20 Facebook comments #51-70). So you can be entered twice to better your odds! I'll pick a winner sometime mid to late next week (maybe the 19th or the 21st).

Pseudo-legal stuff:
- Contest only open to residents of the US. Sorry Canada.
- You may comment now on this post (and on the post on the Steve in a Speedo page on Facebook if you want to) through Wednesday, November 18th.
- The winner will be chosen at random by a random number generator ( If you’ve earned multiple entries, you will get multiple numbers, thus bettering your chances at winning.
- Check back to see if you won! (I'll post the winner on my Facebook page too, but I don't want you to miss it.)
- If the winner does not contact me within 3 days after being announced, I'll be forced to draw a new winner. So check back and KEEP checking back in case the winner is lame!
- And as always, I was simply given a I-VIEW headlamp to review; they didn't ask me to say anything or sway my review in any way. These semi-coherent thoughts are all my own.

So comment on THIS POST NOW to be entered! And LIKE and comment on the entry about this giveaway on the Steve in a Speedo page on Facebook to earn a 2nd entry! Do it now! (Before the end of the day on Nov 18.)

Thanks for the sweet headlamp, I-VIEW!


Jody 3:13 PM, November 10, 2015  

This would be awesome for walking the dogs now that its dark by the time I get home from work. Thanks for hosting!

One Crazy Penguin 3:13 PM, November 10, 2015  

Yes, please! This would be great for night running and for camping. I love the wave of the hand turn off. That's awesome :)

r3dey3 3:20 PM, November 10, 2015  

Bribing people for Facebook likes..I should try that.

Steve S 3:28 PM, November 10, 2015  

Looks cool! Hope I win.

Carolina John 3:29 PM, November 10, 2015  

yea that sounds like a fantastic product! especially for someone that has to do lots of night running soon.

Josh 3:40 PM, November 10, 2015  

A comment from "Steve S?" Are you trying to win your own contest?

Shinianen 3:41 PM, November 10, 2015  

Impressive! Hoping I can try it myself!

Kris G 3:45 PM, November 10, 2015  

Steve, please give me one less excuse to exercise.

Sarah 3:55 PM, November 10, 2015  

I'd love this for biking and these short North Dakota winter days.

Nate 4:10 PM, November 10, 2015  

In to win! This would be awesome for working in the attic or camping!

Julie Anderson 4:19 PM, November 10, 2015  

I want to win this but I'm still buying one!

Business Library 5:43 PM, November 10, 2015  

Well I could use one of those!

The Track Hack 6:03 PM, November 10, 2015  

there's a light....

(over at the Frankenstein place)

Rebecca 6:04 PM, November 10, 2015  

This is the first blog giveaway I've entered! This headlamp looks amazing for trails

debbikes 6:07 PM, November 10, 2015  

Cool product! I could really use this.

Laura W.,  7:22 PM, November 10, 2015  

I just got back from a run around Isles sans headlamp... poor life decision!

ScottyB 7:42 PM, November 10, 2015  

I hate head lamps because they are uncomfortable. This one looks pretty intriguing!

Laura (LunaChickRuns) 7:50 PM, November 10, 2015  

That looks awesome! Perfect for running in the dark.

Noelle 7:53 PM, November 10, 2015  

Wow. That headlight looks seriously amazing (and crazy affordable for how bright it seems to be)!

Eric 8:41 PM, November 10, 2015  

Wow that is a lot of light!

Mike 9:09 PM, November 10, 2015  

This is Mike in Mankato. Missing a run because of the dark has been no fun...this will take that away! Pick me!

Katie B 9:25 PM, November 10, 2015  

This headlamp would match my reflective vest perfectly. See and be seen!

Running In Boise 9:29 PM, November 10, 2015  

My other half & I are contemplating doing our first 100 miler runs in 2016. This would be perfect for me. :-)

Clinton,  10:52 PM, November 10, 2015  

Sure could use that.

Steel Springs 2:23 AM, November 11, 2015  

It's so dark around my neighborhood at night. This would be perfect. Thanks!

Unknown 2:36 AM, November 11, 2015  

Wow, this looks cool. Winning this could really brighten my day!

Marie 6:54 AM, November 11, 2015  

I wonder if I could wear it over my helmet

Joel 7:09 AM, November 11, 2015  

This looks pretty sweet.

Unknown 7:10 AM, November 11, 2015  

Now that it's dark before & after work a good headlamp is a must

Jan 7:40 AM, November 11, 2015  

That's pretty bright! And better than replacing batteries all the time, like I do with my headlamp. :-(

Lisa Appelson,  8:17 AM, November 11, 2015  

Pretty amazing coverage - I like this a lot!

RunningLaur 9:16 AM, November 11, 2015  

This would be great for my favorite race distance (distance?) of 24 hours. Also camping!

Emily W 9:34 AM, November 11, 2015  

I'd love this for Ragnar, among other things. Crazy!

Erick 10:00 AM, November 11, 2015  

I'll throw my name in.

Mary V.,  10:09 AM, November 11, 2015  

Cool product, count me in please.

Unknown 10:24 AM, November 11, 2015  

Nice to have now that it is dark when I get home from work! :-(

JP 10:57 AM, November 11, 2015  

interesting. Love to see how well it works in person

Robyn 2:59 PM, November 11, 2015  

I'm riding my bike home in the dark every day now, so this could be awesome. Wonder how it works for running?

PWickman 3:19 PM, November 11, 2015  

Pick me! Pick me! Winter runs are brutal.

Qvern1 3:51 PM, November 11, 2015  

Another entry for liking your page on Facebook!

zimpenfish 4:27 PM, November 11, 2015  

Well, I would comment but I can't win which means I refuse to DAMNIT

Brent 7:30 PM, November 11, 2015  

I want to be able to see in the dark.

Kevin 7:35 PM, November 11, 2015  

I would love to win this since it's dark by the time I head out to run at night

Kim T,  8:59 PM, November 11, 2015  

Would be great for winter training!

Dan 2:23 AM, November 12, 2015  

Seeing as how I did an epic faceplant tripping over a rock on my last night run, I think I *really* need this!

Darren 7:53 AM, November 12, 2015  

looks like a great product!

Unknown 8:40 AM, November 12, 2015  

Cool headlamp. Pick me!

Kimberly 1:40 PM, November 12, 2015  

I stole my husband's head lamp last winter and may have lost it. So I need a new one. And so does he. But I'd keep this :)

Unknown 2:00 PM, November 12, 2015  

I do need a new headlamp.

T 2:11 PM, November 12, 2015  

i should probably get a headlamp ... but why buy when i can possibly get for free? ;) :-D

Just Jen 5:00 PM, November 12, 2015  

Would love this for walking dogs and running

mikeburk 5:25 PM, November 12, 2015  

I'm not sure I can live without one of these, especially for walking the dogs at night.

dan 7:08 PM, November 12, 2015  

This would be great for the runs in the morning & night.

Jennie,  8:33 PM, November 12, 2015  

Yes please!!!

Heather 4:06 AM, November 13, 2015  

My current lamp dies in the cold.

Mark K,  5:59 AM, November 13, 2015  

This would be great for Ragnar.

YNWASteve,  10:47 AM, November 13, 2015  

I love lamp.

Joe 12:36 PM, November 13, 2015  

We'd love a headlamp!

Patty T 4:54 PM, November 13, 2015  

I could really use this running in the morning!

FireRunner2379 3:44 PM, November 14, 2015  

Who can't use a little extra light in their life!

Joe 7:25 AM, November 15, 2015  

I wonder how many toys I could find under the couch with that...

Unknown 12:38 PM, November 15, 2015  

Living through an Alaskan winter where I feel like I never see the sun, this would be great!

Merrilee 1:00 PM, November 15, 2015  

Thanks for rec- I need this- running a few nights ago and the "cat" I heard scurrying away turned out to be a SKUNK!

marplemk1 5:26 PM, November 15, 2015  

This headlamp looks sweet. On the down side, it will illuminate how slowly I'm going, which will further my spiraling depression, leading to my untimely demise. Winky face.

Unknown 1:38 PM, November 16, 2015  

it gets dark at like 2pm now in boston, so this would be perfect for running! or walking home drunk.

Unknown 1:39 PM, November 16, 2015  

whoops, and unknown comment above = kim k. formerly known as teta equals booby

Mark Melton,  9:32 PM, November 16, 2015  

I'd love this. I only run at night during the week and this would be perfect.

Trihardist 8:37 AM, November 17, 2015  

I had a dream about you last night, Steve in a Speedo. Which is weird, because we've never met, but whatever. We're clearly tri family. You and Pharmie and I and another triathlete (someone you knew, but I didn't) were staying in a hotel in St. Louis for a race. I don't know why we chose St. Louis for a destination race. And the hotel was also under repair, so the shower didn't work. And that was my dream about you.

Also, I could use that headlamp. I'll wear it for commuting by bike this winter.

longrun4fun 10:52 AM, November 18, 2015  

Steve - I have to have one of these headlamps. I mean I just must. Don't screw with me on this Steve. I mean it this time!

Anonymous,  11:12 AM, November 18, 2015  

Would love a rechargable headlamp for day-to-day use!

Katie 12:32 PM, November 18, 2015  

Am I still in time to enter? This looks amazing and might get me over my fear of biking in the dark! Because it wouldn't be dark!

Tap 4:48 PM, November 18, 2015  

That headlamp looks amazing! I'd love a new one!

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