November Biking

>> Monday, November 16, 2015

The first 2 weeks of November have looked like this:

That's 135 miles of biking, not including 30 minutes on the trainer on Friday! I've also done about 9.5 hours of strength work (core, legs, and forearm work), and 26 miles of running (starting to build my "base" with 3 easy runs/week as I noted in my last post). All but 1 of these runs (so 22 out of the 26 miles) were with Charlie.

The last 6 days have had 3 runs and 3 bikes! That's more like April/May training, not November!

Well, it's supposed to be colder and rainier this week, so we'll see if my new bike Eiffel makes it outside for any more rides this year. She might be done until Spring of 2016.


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