This Fall > Last Fall

>> Saturday, November 14, 2015

Charlie turned 1.5 years old on Tuesday:

Facebook reminded me what was happening exactly a year before, showing these 2 pictures to me:

"Charlie is 6 months old today. Or in Minnesotan terms: old enough to wield a snow shovel."

"At least someone is enjoying this shit."

This fall has been great so far. We've had warm temps, and no sign of snow. (They're forecasting a warm and dry winter, and that would be FANTASTIC.) On Charlie's 18-month birthday, we went for a run. We did again on Thursday, and I Instagrammed this:

"Four out of my last 5 runs have looked like this."

Some of our runs over the last 2 weeks have been jacket-less for him too! Can't complain about that. Today, we went on another run, making it 5 out of my last 6 runs with him. He was cozy and rubbing his tag blankie on his face before we left (a sure sign of sleepiness for him):

Pre-run, tucked under a blanket.

Post-run, still sleeping as we got to the gym.

My last 2 weeks of easy "base" running have gone well. I did 31:00 runs 3x last week, and I did 35:00 runs 3x this week. Shooting for 40:00 in the coming week.

Oh, and if you haven't entered yet, check out THIS POST and comment on that post to be in a running for a sweet headlamp. I'll be picking that winner late next week.


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