The End of November Biking

>> Monday, November 30, 2015

I mentioned in my last post that I was really close to a PR for bike mileage in a month, and that I might be able to break it by getting out for a ride today. Well, the "weather" that we were told was coming late morning ended up coming overnight. We woke up to this:

I posted this on Instagram and captioned it "First snow angel of the season."

A few hours later, we went sledding:

Also on Instagram: "The 2 selfies were before and during Charlie's first sled ride
down Merriam Park hill, and the final photo is 1 of many brotherly trips drown the hill!."

Now I know... plenty of people bike in this, but I'm not going to take my new tri bike out in this crap. I'll settle with NEARLY a PR for bike milage. And maybe I'll hit the trainer later tonight...


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