Fast Ride (and my First Week Back)

>> Saturday, November 07, 2015

In Monday's post, I noted having a pretty fast ride on my new bike. Well, I figured I'd go out to my "go to" loop and see how much faster Eiffel was compared to Goldilocks. This wasn't a WORKOUT; it was a check of my bike fitness, along with giving me a "base line" for winter training (to compare with a spring workout next year).

Back in July, I rode this loop with a 20.51 mph average, and that was my best ever (actually, only my 3rd time ever at 20+ mph). Here's what I said about that loop in that post:

[...] I did a "time trial" ride on my "go to" loop: it's basically "U-shaped" with a flat top. The "flat top" is Summit Ave, and then I head south along River Road until it turns back to the north as Shepard Road. I climb back up from downtown to Summit Ave, and I head home. With an out-and-back to get home, the loop is about 15.5 miles:

Riding it counter-clockwise from the upper left.

Because it's an urban ride with lots of areas you have to slow up or stop (at least 9 stop signs and 17 stop lights), AND because you have to climb Ramsey Hill, it's not a speedy ride.

Well, I forgot that 20.5 mph was my best average. I thought it was 20.7 mph for some reason as I was riding. I climbed Ramsey and my average was 20.4 mph. At the end of Summit, it was 20.7, and then it dropped down to 20.6 just a few blocks before home as I was climbing 2 little hills. Officially, it clocked in at 20.64 mph, for my fastest ride on that loop ever!

It's been 2 months since I rode hills. Ever since my last triathlon, I've been riding easier and on the flat (just to keep up my endurance for last month's "Loony Challenge"). If I were on my old bike, I'd have probably finished under 20 mph, about 1:30 - 2 minutes slower. So this bike withOUT it's race wheels gained me at least 90 seconds over 15+ miles.


I'd LOVE to take a look at all my recent sprint tri results and see how much difference 2 minutes could make! (But I won't.) I just need to keep up the training this winter to see what I can do next spring at the races!

It was a dry morning to ride, but I ran into 2 stretches of road that were still wet
from street sweepers. This is the first time Eiffel's gotten dirty.

And so far I'm hitting my goals that I mentioned in my "The Rest Is Over" post:

My first run was pain-free for my heel as I mentioned in that post last Monday. My sacrum (injury from over 2 years ago) got a little achy half way into that run, but that's been going away over subsequent runs. (Remember, I noted in this post that after a week of NOT running, my sacrum started to get achy. And after a few weeks off, it got achy on my first run. It's something that I'll just be dealing with forever, which is essentially what the doc told me 2 years ago.)

Here are some Instagrams from my Tues and Thurs runs:

"#1 is at preschool, and #2 took a nap as I ran. There are worse ways to spend the morning."

"Another easy run with this sleepy guy. Can all base miles be this nice this winter?"

I hope to find time to go on a long(ish) ride tomorrow, then probably rest on Monday before trying to make next week look a lot like this week (but making the runs a few minutes longer).


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