My Wife's Marathon Problem

>> Monday, April 01, 2013

Our monthly issue of RunMinnesota came last week, and my wife saw this article:

It's an article written by Michael Iserman (current president of the MDRA) that is talking about Minnesota's different marathons and their medals. My wife has NEVER done a race just for the medal - she's not the kind of person who usually cares for medals. But after even just GLANCING at this article, she told me "I think my new goal is to run every marathon in Minnesota." I love it.

The article isn't about EVERY marathon in the state, but she's made it a new goal. She's done the TC Marathon 13 times (STRAIGHT) and Grandma's Marathon once, and in about 2 months she'll be doing the Minneapolis Marathon. Give her a few years and I think this goal will be in the bag.

Oh, we also found something fun in the "results pages" at the back of RunMinnesota. A neighbor of my parents (who is living in the house of my pre-school best friend before his family moved away) drove up to the Cities for the Winter Carnival 10K. She finished as the FIRST FEMALE and in FIFTH PLACE OVERALL out of over 300!

And yes, she's 16 years old!

Unrelated: here's Henry and Pharmie yesterday hunting for Easter Eggs at Papa and Nana's house (on a windy morning):

Back with MORE that I found in RunMinnesota, and this will lead to more trash-talk leading up to the Gear West Duathlon. Yep, stay tuned for a bit of a smack down tomorrow....


Detroit Runner(Jeff) 6:33 AM, April 01, 2013  

The winter carnival 10k looks like a slow crowded(guys I mean). Nobody in the 30's? Even I would have placed ten and I could never do that there. Tough race?

Steve Stenzel 10:05 AM, April 01, 2013  

Jeff, most of the speedy people do the half marathon at the same time. But the BIGGEST issue is that it's in the dead of winter on a hilly course. The cold air and extra layers slows everyone down.

(Example: if you take Bobby Paxton's [2nd] 10K time and plug it into McMillian, he should be able to do a half marathon in just under 1:30. But he did a half last year in 1:22.)

SteveQ 10:12 AM, April 01, 2013  

Doing all the marathons in Minnesota means doing the 1/2-Voyageur and Moose Mountain Marathons. That's a whole different world.

Evan Roberts 11:39 AM, April 01, 2013  

It was about 6°F this year, which is not great for half-marathon running, and even worse for fast 10km running. Cold slows you down proportionately more at shorter/faster events. The new course is hillier than the old one, and the field this year was a bit slower.

Carolina John 3:13 PM, April 01, 2013  

NC has 17 marathons that I could find, and most of them are high in the mountains, lots of those on trails for extra challenges. This is a fantastic idea.

Rachel Elizabeth 9:42 PM, April 01, 2013  

Here's another new marathon for your wife!!
I might do it this year. The timing wouldn't be great with TCM, but the course looks beautiful and the time of year is pretty nice!

Patrick Cobb 6:51 AM, April 05, 2013  

Marathon during winter makes the whole thing extra hard. I really like that your wife didn't care about the medals or awards. Running is fun and a healthy activity.

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