Some Solid Intervals at the Track

>> Thursday, April 04, 2013

It had been a long time since I'd hit the track. A looooooong time. As in nearly 6 months.

At my last track workout, it was 39 degrees early in the morning in mid-October, and I ran 3 x 1600 every 8:00 (so that's around 2:15 rest) in 5:52, 5:40, and 5:41 (average of 5:44.3). Here was my view of the dark track back in October:

Then I tried hitting the track back in December, but I found it covered in snow...

... so I did some mile repeats on some nicely plowed St. Thomas sidewalks: 3 x 1 mile every 8:00 in 5:50, 5:45, and 5:46 (average of 5:47.0).

Well, I had a half hour opening 2 days ago, so I hit the track. I wasn't sure what I could run after running varied-distance intervals at the Dome about 6 times in the last 2 months, but I was ready to give it hell.

3 x 1600 with 2:00 rest:

My first interval felt good. I was working, but things felt OK. I was happy with my splits:

• 2:48, 2:50 = 5:38

Half way thought the second interval (when I usually start to get depressed and it starts to hurt), I actually tried to imagine Ben Kampf (the runner for the "Gold Gopher Guys" team who's challenged Pete and I to a relay race at the Gear West Duathlon this spring) coming up behind me. I had to hold him off! It wasn't a "strong" vision, but apparently it was enough to make me kick that final 800 in the ass:

• 2:48, 2:42 = 5:30

I kept it strong for the final interval. I thought about stopping after 1200, but I used the potential show-down at the Gear West Duathlon to push me through that final lap (and ANOTHER speedy final 800!).

• 2:44, 2:37 = 5:21

Average of 5:29.6 / 1600!

That felt good. It made me feel like those intervals at the Dome over the winter had done some good. I went from a 5:44 average 6 months ago, to a 5:47 average 4 months ago, to a sub-5:30 average right now! I've gotta keep this up to try to whoop some booty at the Gear West Du...

Oh, and one final thing: I always find myself running intervals hard in case there's anyone in the athletic buildings at the University of St. Thomas watching me. I know, I know... no one is REALLY going to be tracking my splits and judging me (as a stranger) running intervals on the track. But on Tuesday, I WAS actually being watched!! Julie tweeted me right as I got to work:

Well shoot. That's only going to make me run harder next time.  :)


julie 12:55 PM, April 04, 2013  

Now if you are doing track intervals on Tuesday or Thursday morning, you know you will be watch by my students. Better run fast! They are on the track team!

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