Friday Funny 502: Your "Running Name" and more Trash Talk

>> Friday, April 05, 2013

RunTheEdge recently posted a great way to find your "running name:"

Print this out and fill in your "running name!"

So that makes Pharmie and I "Phlegmy and Forrest McInterval." Fantastic!

And in more "Gear West Duathlon" trash talk news Devon posted about him and his relay runner yesterday:

(If you don't know, Devon called me out for a relay race at the Gear West Duathlon in May.)

I commented on that TRYING to allude to the fact that Ben isn't a good runner. (That's a lie, but humor me.)

Then I realized that it makes it sound like I know about male escorts in the area, and that I found Ben to not be a very good escort. Devon picked up on that and commented back:

Ouch. Damn it.

Remember you can find lots of funnies on


T 8:04 PM, April 05, 2013  

husband and i are p.r. and marathona vonshinsplint.

SteveQ 10:55 AM, April 06, 2013  

Forrest VonMudder. Kinda explains all the trail running of late!

Steve Stenzel 11:23 AM, April 06, 2013  

SteveQ, that's perfect for you! Ha!

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