Friday Funny 248: Black Friday Bingo

>> Friday, November 25, 2011

I'm heading out with Henry today TO THE MALL OF AMERICA!! It should be quite a "show." Wish us luck. (Watch for photos on my TwitPic page - also seen on the right side of my blog.)

I'm thinking I should use this "Black Friday Bingo" card from HolyTaco:

I might be able to fill in the 3rd or 4th row, or maybe column "O." We'll see...


TriMOEngr 7:23 AM, November 25, 2011  

I've never understood why ANYONE would subject a child to this chaos. Sorry, it just isn't worth it. Pepper spray? Really?

Steve Stenzel 10:01 AM, November 25, 2011  

We're not going to get anything, we're just going to walk around the mall and take in the sights. Henry LOVES new places, and he'll have so much to look at at the MOA. Plus, the main reason we're going is that my wife's God-daughter is hanging out with us all weekend, and she REALLY wants to see the mall on Black Friday! I had to make it very clear to her that if Henry starts getting cranky, we're outta there. We'll see how he does... this could be fun!...

The Triathlon Rx 11:19 AM, November 25, 2011  

My cousin and I were debating going up to Albertville at midnight.... no dice.

Wrap that baby in bubble wrap and go for it!

Unknown 5:09 PM, November 25, 2011  

I despise Black Friday, but I would love to play this game of Bingo.

Eludius 4:21 PM, November 27, 2011  

Funny. However, it misses the drunk guy standing in line in front of you.

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