3 Photos from Henry's First Half Marathon!

>> Wednesday, November 02, 2011

.... *unofficial* half marathon, I should say.

Pharmie had to work this past weekend, so I spent a fair amount of time with my little guy. Saturday, his Auntie visited for a while, and Sunday his Grandparents visited. But before family came up on Sunday, we went for a long run.

It was a cool morning, so I got Henry dressed in layers, including his little mittens:

He was awake and looking around for the first 3-4 miles, but then he passed out:

We ran up and down the hills along the river. I didn't know where all of my mile markers were (I planned it that way on purpose), but I took my splits when I was on "familiar territory." We ran the first few miles easier, but then we picked it up for miles 7-11. My splits for those miles were 6:46, 6:40, 6:42, 6:35, and 6:27. Henry was passed out the whole time.

I knew we would be CLOSE to 13.1 miles, so we ran an extra 2 blocks on the way home during my cool-down. It was a good thing we did, because when I mapped it out after my run, it came to 13.11 miles in 1:33:59. It was Henry's first (unofficial) half marathon!!

Henry woke up a few blocks from home, and was awake (and missing a mitten) when we pulled into the yard:

Don't worry... the mitten was in the stroller

Henry, it's so much fun to run with you! I hope you "put up with" my runs for a while!!....


Karen 6:59 PM, November 02, 2011  

I wish my first half marathon was that fast (and that I could manage it by sleeping through half the miles)! Way to go, Henry!

Unknown 7:39 PM, November 02, 2011  

Oh my goodness... he is so stinking cute!!! :) Glad you both had such a good run!

That Pink Girl 9:36 PM, November 02, 2011  

Such an adorable running buddy!

Unknown 6:13 AM, November 03, 2011  

adorable running buddy. Must be nice to sleep through most of a 1/2

TriMOEngr 7:53 AM, November 03, 2011  

Always love your posts with Henry pics. Too sweet!

Anonymous,  8:44 AM, November 03, 2011  

The tiny mittens are cracking me up! Great pictures.

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