Friday Funny 239: Facebook Un-Friending

>> Friday, November 04, 2011

Why does the phrase "only in Iowa" pop into my head as I read this:

Jeez... Jennifer is going to have a LOT of "acquaintances" who will now awkwardly still be her Facebook friend for fear of death-by-fire. Wow.

In case you need a guide to what's appropriate and inappropriate Facebook behavior, I found this handy chart for you:

Hope that helps clear things up!

(True story regarding that 3rd point above: I once un-friended a high-school classmate because she asked me to join some sort of "Twilight" group on FB. Fo reals.)


Ironman By Thirty 7:20 AM, November 04, 2011  

You still joined the Twilight group didn't you??? It's ok, you can admit it. You are among friends.

kristen 7:59 AM, November 04, 2011  

You're totally team Jacob aren't you...

16 Chickens 8:28 AM, November 04, 2011  

I'm so going to share this on facebook.

CautiouslyAudacious 9:32 AM, November 04, 2011  

Love it! Gonna go post it on FB now :-) Someone needed some anger management classes huh?

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