Crazy Flips

>> Wednesday, November 30, 2011

In one of my "Friday Funnies" 2 weeks ago, I showed a GIF of a man flipping over a table while putting on a hat. Well, I found out more about this guy.

This guy is Damien Walters, and he's a professional stuntman, gymnastics coach, and free runner. Check out these things he can do:

Direct link:

I want to be able to do ALL of those things, but I also don't want to break my ankle in 15 different places, so I think I'll just stick to swim / bike / run. But this IS pretty sweet...

Back with more on my race plan for Sunday's indoor 5K tomorrow.


The Triathlon Rx 12:52 PM, November 30, 2011  

Wooww!! I'm going to have to show this to my gymnasts today. :)

TriMOEngr 2:22 PM, November 30, 2011  

I think my favorite part was the stripping trampoline flips. LOL Loved all of it. Super neat!

Unknown 4:05 PM, November 30, 2011  

We don't all put our pants on the same way. This guy does a back flip with twist into his Dockers.

Anonymous,  10:08 PM, November 30, 2011  

I recently checked out you blog. Well written, informative and fun! I initially came upon site via dnf posts. I saw this on-line tid bit today.


Enjoy reading your take on tri.


SteveQ 10:18 AM, December 01, 2011  

Oh, I do all of those things, but not intentionally.

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