More Photos from the Record-Breaking Spin Class

>> Thursday, March 11, 2010

A friend sent me a link to Peter Wong’s photographs from the “Ride of a Lifetime” that Pharmie and I did on Sunday. (That was the spin class with 1,052 people spinning for 2 hours, breaking the old record of just over 600 people.) Here are some of his great shots:

Before filling up with people.

1,000+ spin bikes at the Target Center.

An army of LTF jerseys! And that’s CY and Kerry near the lower right!

Look to the left: see the guy in a blue jersey reaching for his back
pocket? That’s me! And Pharmie’s to the left of me in black.

Out of the saddle.

The “Guinness Official” making the announcement!

Bahram Akradi (LTF founder, president, CEO) getting the official plaque.

It’s official!



Interesting... he didn’t have a SINGLE photo of “Miss Shakey.” Or maybe he DID, but he kept those for his own “use.” Ha!

So check out Peter Wong’s photographs to see more photos like these. And check out the photos that I took on my Examiner page if you haven’t already.


Bullet 8:25 AM, March 11, 2010  

Oi, glad I didn't have to set all those bikes up. Anyone want to calculate the # of ounces of sweat that was dropped that day?

Kim 9:26 AM, March 11, 2010  

wow that's just plain amazing. where do they get all those bikes?

Steve Stenzel 9:33 AM, March 11, 2010  

They rented a bunch of U-Haul trucks and shipped them in from all the Life Time Fitness locations all around the Cities. All the bikes had a sticker on the front saying where they were from. I think Pharmie and I were on ones from Maple Grove (a suburb).

chia 12:56 PM, March 11, 2010  

Oh wow... I wouldn't want to be the dude mopping up the workout floor after that madness!

Sara 1:15 PM, March 11, 2010  

I was just going to ask where they got all of the bikes from.....glad I am sharing a brain with Kim today! :)

teacherwoman 3:24 PM, March 11, 2010  

Those are some great photos! Where the heck did they get all of those bikes?!

Anonymous,  3:24 PM, March 11, 2010  

Looks like a Nurembery Rally. I half-expect to see Albert Speer whiz by, on a velocipede....

Anonymous,  3:28 PM, March 11, 2010  

Nurembery? Yeah, that too! NUREMBERG! That the Meistersingers came from, and some others, you wouldn't want to mention....

Kitzzy 4:03 PM, March 11, 2010  

This is incredible. It must have been crazy hot. Did they give everyone who participated a jersey?

Steve Stenzel 4:41 PM, March 11, 2010  

Yeah Kitzzy, it cost $49 to do, and we all got a jersey. So really, it's like buying a jersey and being part of a world record in the process! Oh, and they ran out of "real" jerseys, so Pharmie and I got plain ones - BUT they are going to mail us better jerseys! 2 for the price of 1!! (Or should I say 4 for the price of 2!)

Beth 10:46 PM, March 11, 2010  

The photos from that event are amazing. Having everyone in the same jersey makes it even more cool. Thanks for posting about it!

Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 11:40 PM, March 11, 2010  

Is it just me or is the guinees WR chick hot?

Judi 2:07 PM, March 13, 2010  

the pictures are crazy!

JB 12:47 PM, March 19, 2010  

You made it on the Big Picture :-)

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