100% Irish For A Day Photos

>> Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Remember back about 10 days ago? I had my “double race birthday weekend” which included a 10 mile road race on Saturday, and an Indoor Triathlon on Sunday. Well, I just found the photos from the “100% Irish For a Day 10 Miler” from my birthday.

Here I am hurting with about a half mile to go:

Look behind me in that photo above. See the guy with long hair, black tights, and blue shirt? That’s the man I mentioned in my race report who had the great ass who I passed around mile 9. If anyone knows this guy, tell him that I admire the junk in his trunk:

Is that creepy for me to say?...

Here I am about to hit the finish line. That guy behind me looks so fresh because he’s coming through the finisher’s area with 1 lap around Lake Harriet left, so he still had to run another 3.1 miles before he finished:

The downside to a lot of the races around Lake Harriet is that they're on a one-way street, so as some people are ready to get in their car and go home, others are still finishing the race. So you end up getting chased down by cars in the last half mile:

I found some photos of 1 guy doing the 5K who had OBVIOUSLY never seen a race photographer before. As soon as he notices that camera, he TOTALLY stops to “ham it up.” I love it. Check it out:

And being it was a St. Patrick’s Day run, there were some costumes. They range from the slightly boring...

Irish flag. Nice.

... to a bit more crazy...

Cold enough for gloves, but not for a shirt. Interesting.

... to downright nuts:

Moose Knuckle Alert!! Oh, I guess it’s too late to warn you.... Oops. ;)

And I guess it’s been a while, so it’s time for a gross foot photo. I developed this gem after the 4 mile race last weekend:

Nasty. And try not to notice the giant toe hair to the right.

I think I’ll rip it off, plant it in the backyard, and see if it will grow a new foot. I could sure use one. Sheesh.

p.s. Check out my last post and try to help me decide which race to run this weekend. Thanks!


Kim 8:54 AM, March 24, 2010  

holy moose knuckles on that guy in green. what would ever possess him to wear that? or find something like that?!

Julie 10:16 AM, March 24, 2010  

Hi Steve,
I love those Irish races...it is a sea of green:) Okay, yet another grody toe picture!! It just wouldn't be a Steve post without that! Have a great day Steve!!

Maris 10:17 AM, March 24, 2010  

What a fun race that was!Sorry about the blister though. I guess its not much of a proof worth showing off after having gone through a grueling(?) race. Going back to your photos, I was wondering how the bloke in the ridiculous all-green leotards(?) that covered his entire body and face and hiding no bulges on top of that was able to run in the first place. Talk about people in need of serious attention!

Aimee 10:58 AM, March 24, 2010  

Great pics! What is that guy in green even wearing? Can he breathe through that? Yikes!

X-Country2 1:46 PM, March 24, 2010  

Super! Excited! Guy! does love himself a camera.

Just another devotee....,  4:32 PM, March 24, 2010  

Sounds like the germ (pun?) of a 50s Sci-Fi thriller.

A Foot Grows in Minnesota....

Attack of the Amazing Gross Foot....

Foot of a Stranger....

There's something very 50s about you. Despite all the craziness, something tells me (warns?), this is only the beginning....

Repressed, in other words....

Thanks anyway, for the Gross Foot Number. It's what made you gross, and famous. It was long long overdue. And this one was actually better than average. Salty, with a curl in the toe-hair....

CoachLiz 7:36 PM, March 24, 2010  

I need to rinse my eyes with bleach after looking at Moose Knuckle Man.

You have made my day by posting a blistered foot photo. Bravo!

Joel 10:04 PM, March 25, 2010  

Moose Knuckle Man looks more like green condom man. Pretty disturbing.

I loved the camera ham-dude.

'Ain't people watching fun?

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