Minor Foot Surgery and a “Teaser”

>> Monday, December 28, 2009

A week ago Sunday, I did a 5 mile tempo run on a treadmill. That constant pounding made the bottom of my right foot REALLY sore. Then a few days later on Tuesday, I ran intervals on the hard, hard concrete of the Metrodome. That same spot got sore during my last interval.

Wednesday night, I brought myself to FINALLY look at my foot. Here’s what I saw:

I grabbed a clippers and got to clippin’:

It was still delicious moist underneath.

I hacked it off and ate it threw it away.

My foot is doing great right now. I did 8 miles yesterday afternoon, and all is well!

Changing gears... there’s only about 3 days left to vote for “Steve in a Speedo” for Endurance Blog of the Year. Pharmie asked what I’ll be doing to get your votes. Well, putting my blistery foot on my blog isn’t going to get me many votes. So I have something special planned for tomorrow.

Want a teaser? Stop back tomorrow to see more of this:

Yes, that’s Batman undies, a nipple, and me making quite a face. All in front of the Christmas Tree. Sweet. Happy birthday Jesus.

So stop back tomorrow and see what I’m doing to try to get your vote. In the meantime, click here to vote for “Steve in a Speedo.” Thanks everyone! Happy Monday!!


Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 8:07 AM, December 28, 2009  

This makes the thoughts of you in a speedo much more appealing...your feet are gross!

Carolina John 8:46 AM, December 28, 2009  

you scare me. batman undies is supposed to attract voters?

Smithers 9:38 AM, December 28, 2009  

It's like that concentration game show where you have to answer questions to uncover different squares. I think that is Borch's nipple. :)

Kristin Bradfield 10:18 AM, December 28, 2009  

That should bring in the votes!

KimsRunning 2:37 PM, December 28, 2009  

That was bogus, hysterical, nauseating and interesting all rolled up in one blog post. I'll go vote now...lol

e 5:58 PM, December 28, 2009  

You have my vote. You had me at I ate my blister skin. I mean, dude, I thought I was out there, but you're way further out. I bow to you, sensei.

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 10:00 PM, December 28, 2009  

your labels say it all: GROSS and GROSS FOOT PHOTO. Blech.

(Still voted for you as my fav blog, though...what does that say?)

Coach Liz 3:46 PM, December 29, 2009  

HOW do you manage to get your feet so blistered and nasty? I never have those problems. I did IMCOZ without socks on the bike and with wet feet most of the run and I didn't get one blister. Tell me Steve,...tell me how you do it.

Anonymous,  11:15 AM, July 30, 2010  

any idea what causes these blisters?

i play 1 hour of 5 a side per week and get these every time, come home snip the loose skin off Pedeg it all and go to work the next day almost limping if i wasn't trying to man it up a bit. But its getting pretty boring now and would like any suggestions to make it stop?

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