I Rub Your Back, You Rub Mine

>> Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Yesterday, I found out some pleasant news. Well, it started last week I guess...

Last week, Rich S tweeted me and said he tried to nominate me for RaceAthlete’s Endurance Blog of the Year, but someone had already nominated me! Awesome! Then I forgot about it until yesterday.

Yesterday, I got a Facebook message from Andy N saying he just voted for me. Apparently I made the cut into the top 10, and voting had started! Immediately after that, I got the official news in an e-mail.

So remember all the great Sugoi gear and Gu products I just gave away? Remember that? Do ya? **wink wink** Well you can thank me for doing that by voting for me for RaceAthlete’s Endurance Blog of the Year!

I’ve placed a ribbon at the upper right of my blog in the sidebar too. You can always click that over the next 8 days to vote. One vote per computer, so vote at home, at work, and at Grandma’s at Christmas! Thanks everyone!!

Oh, and who nominated me? I’m just curious...

p.s. Pharmie and I will be at the Metrodome tonight at 5 for dome running if any locals are interested!


libgyrl 8:12 AM, December 22, 2009  

I voted! Will do so from all the computers I can find. ;)

Mohammad Arfeen 8:12 AM, December 22, 2009  

looks like the fat cyclist is really throwing his weight around, 50+% of the votes.

Anna Banana 8:33 AM, December 22, 2009  

I will totally vote for you! You deserve it!

Coach Liz 8:38 AM, December 22, 2009  

Voted! Yeah, who is this FatCyclist guy. He is busting the curve on this one. You need to get your minions into action for you Steve.

coachrich 9:30 AM, December 22, 2009  

I voted for you - despite you giving all the schwag to others AND who doesn't love a fat cyclist.

Christine 10:01 AM, December 22, 2009  

I nominated you but I doubt I was the first.

I have a question about your St Paul article and I'm just going to post it here because I can't find the link...

What if I don't have a bar for chin ups? Is there something else I can do instead?

Longrun4fun 10:23 AM, December 22, 2009  

65% to 24%, how can you let a fat guy beat you? Step up your game.

Dirty Running 10:33 AM, December 22, 2009  

Love the blog, and voted for it.

goSonja 11:15 AM, December 22, 2009  

Congratulations! It looks like we are whooped by Mister Fat Cyclist, but it's still a race for say...third?

Best of Luck!

Mike Russell 11:45 AM, December 22, 2009  

Good work Steve in getting nominated. The Fat Cyclist has a lot of people who follow him, and in truth he does put up a good blog. But as for the quality of the information, you have him beat hands down. Good luck!

Steve Stenzel 12:15 PM, December 22, 2009  

Christine, if you have a "lower" bar, you can do it with your body at a 45 degree angle and your feet resting on the floor. Sometimes, I lay on the lower bunk of our guestroom bunk bed, reach up, and grab one of the bars under the upper bunk. Then I just pull-up until my forehead touches the upper bunk. (Does that make sense?)

Or you can do a row for your back - similar muscles are worked, but it's a little less intense. Here's a vid:


Oh, and here's the link to my original article:

Good luck! And thanks for the votes everyone!!!

Seth Erickson,  12:24 PM, December 22, 2009  

I think it might have been me. I'm on the everymantri email list. They asked for my favorite blog. It was a no-brainer. You crack me up on a daily basis. I think Fat Cyclist has a built in advantage with his ride with Team Radio Shack at their camp. Keep up the great work.

Christine 12:41 PM, December 22, 2009  

Thank you, Steve. The alternate (bunk beds are usually more readily available than pullup bars) is helpful as well as the video link. If I know what muscle group I'm trying to work, I can come up with a way to make it happen!

And I did vote for you as well!

Chic Runner 1:07 PM, December 22, 2009  

i rubbed that hairy back of yours. sick. i can't believe i just said that.

John 5:09 PM, December 22, 2009  
This comment has been removed by the author.
John 5:13 PM, December 22, 2009  

I voted for you... twice... don't tell anyone...Good Luck!

Aliicia 6:46 PM, December 22, 2009  

i nominated you too... i am a fellow foot picture taker and love your sense of humor -)

Unknown 7:16 PM, December 22, 2009  

I voted, but I'm worried about the fact that Fat Cyclist has 70%+ of the votes. Blah

Christi 10:53 AM, December 23, 2009  

Steve, I also nominated you but I don't know if I was the first. I love your blog and wanted to show the love. Have a great holiday season and keep up the great blogs!

Anonymous,  4:31 PM, February 14, 2010  

Cool post as for me. It would be great to read more about that theme. Thanks for posting that material.

Anonymous,  4:30 PM, August 11, 2010  

It is very interesting for me to read that article. Thanx for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to this matter. I definitely want to read a bit more soon.

Anete Hakkinen

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