3 Winners of Signed Copies of "Trizophrenia"

>> Monday, December 07, 2009

There were 130 comments on my interview with Jef Mallett, who is the author of the new book “Trizophrenia: Inside the Minds of a Triathlete.” With the multiple entries that people could make, there were a total of 252 numbers in the drawing for 1 of 3 books.

Last night (while watching the Vikes lose [dang]), I got to work determining the 3 winners who would each get a signed copy of the book. I printed out all 130 comments, and gave them all a numeric value (with multiple numbers going to those who earned multiple entries):

(For example, the first commenter earned 1 entry, so he was #1. The second commenter earned 2 entries [because he followed Jef’s twitter feed], so he was #2 and #3. Etc, etc. It ended up going up to #252.)

I wrote out the numbers 0-9 on little pieces of paper:

I put the numbers 0, 1, and 2 in the hat (literally) to draw the FIRST number of the first winner. (#1 was really 001, #32 was really 032, etc.) I first pulled out a 0:

My nipple and I were excited.

Then I put all the numbers in, pulled out a 4, put that number back in, and pulled out a 7. So the first winner was #047. Looking on my list, that corresponded to “Anonymous (Jen from Ohio).”

I repeated that process, and I came up with #149 and #110. Those numbers corresponded to Jumper 2.0 and Colleen.

Jumper 2.0, Colleen, and “Anonymous (Jen from Ohio),” please contact me so we can get you your book!! Everyone else, you can purchase Jef's book here or ANYWHERE books are sold.

Thanks for the interview, Jef! Good luck with your book! I know I enjoyed it!

(p.s. Yesterday was my 11th Day of "14 Days of Nothing." We had Arby's for supper! Sweet! Today I hope to get in some good core work at the Y and GET A MASSAGE! And if you missed it, check out Saturday's post which shows an interview with a German urban sports magazine.)


Sean 9:49 AM, December 07, 2009  

Congrats to the winners...but next time you might try this http://www.random.org/ (yes, less dramatic than your hat...)

Steve Stenzel 9:54 AM, December 07, 2009  

Yeah, I looked into that for a previous giveaway. I just don't trust computers.... ;)

Sarah,  11:46 AM, December 07, 2009  

I think you are adorable. Have a great day!

Unknown 12:18 PM, December 07, 2009  

YAY! I'm super excited - I never win anything! Thanks Steve!

Mike Russell 1:03 PM, December 07, 2009  

Steve, great work spreading the good word. You start your training back up in just a couple of days!

Kathy 1:58 PM, December 07, 2009  

LOL you AND your nipple!??! Nice :)

Anonymous,  2:59 PM, December 07, 2009  

Your nipples are easily aroused....

Less work for Pharmie? Ha!

Carolina John 3:56 PM, December 07, 2009  

dang. missed again. but at least we got another nipple pic out of it.

Peg S 6:50 PM, December 09, 2009  

Good thing I didn't win, I got the book for my birthday! ;-)

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