Chisago Triathlon Race Photos!

>> Saturday, August 01, 2009

Last Sunday was like my bazillionth triathlon (well, more like my 14th or so), but I still can’t stop thinking about it because of how awesome my CVA Tri Club students did! The official race photos are up, so I thought I’d share them.

Here’s Hannah rocking a smile all freakin’ day:

I’ve never seen someone with such a consistent “triathlon face” as Trent:

Here’s Sarah rocking her bright suit all day, making her easy to spot:

Evan is the opposite of Trent: ALWAYS a different face:

“Tongue in cheek” face. Literally.

“This F’in hurts” face.

“Beat-up at the finish” face.

I had to Photoshop out some of Evan’s boy parts in that last photo - “things” were on display. I guess that’s part of my job. If you want to see the unaltered photo, you’ll have to go look it up yourself. Creep.

Here are my photos. I don’t know why I look so smug coming out of the water:

I call this “Bicep and Chest Sweat.” Yum.

What the hell is my left leg doing?!?...

After that, I changed clothes and cheered in others as I waited for Pharmie. I grabbed a spot near the finish. You can see me on the right in red:

Here’s Pharmie being chanced down by a Ford:

Remember how Pharmie hurled just after crossing the finish line? Well, the race photographer NEARLY caught the hot mess:

You know how I like to look through the race photos and find awkward / funny photos? Well, this time, I found a photo of this guy in a sweet 2XU tri suit finishing the swim WITH A FREAKIN’ LIFE JACKET!!

Isn’t that against the rules? Shortly after seeing that one, I found another!...

I can’t explain it. I don’t know what was going on. And that women still has her chip on, so it’s not like she said, “Give me a life jacket to get back to shore - I’m officially quitting." Strange.

Anyway, hoped you liked all the photos! Have a great weekend!!


Jumper 2.0 5:03 AM, August 01, 2009  

Life jacket but no flippers?

What a bunch of amateurs!

Great job CVA Team!

ShirleyPerly 7:42 AM, August 01, 2009  

Congrats to your team!

I've never seen life jackets at a race before. But there is one women's tri in my area that I've heard allows noodles for those who feel they need it to do the swim. And there's even a supposedly noodle wave so I guess they all get official times too.

Nat 7:59 AM, August 01, 2009  

I don't do tris, but are life jackets a normal site?

Congrats to the entire team.

Steve Stenzel 9:32 AM, August 01, 2009  

Nat - nope, you NEVER see life jackets at a triathlon. (But I've also never heard of what ShirleyPerly's talking about - but I can understand that that would exist.)

I wonder if high school lifeguards out there on patrol saw people having a rough time and offered them a life jacket no knowing that it's technically illegal. I'm not upset that people used life jackets, I'm just confused! ;) You see something new everyday!!

trimybest 9:55 AM, August 01, 2009  

hey steve my friend jen who did the sprint said that she saw a lady enter the water with a noodle! she also said that she saw many lifeguards tossing people lifejackets. she also said that when she was swimming she swam past athletes having conversations out on the course! how strange. i guess next year you will have to do the half with me, pharmie and all the "normal" triathletes! ha ;)

Julie @ ROJ Running 1:53 PM, August 01, 2009  

Hmmm I need to find this noodle triathlon, I've been wasting too much time with my swimming the course approach! Great pics of everyone!

Irish Cream 5:43 PM, August 01, 2009  

Awesome photos, but very odd re: the life jackets!! Love that the photographer almost caught Pharmie tossing her cookies! That would have been priceless!

X-Country2 8:16 PM, August 01, 2009  

Cool photos! Your tri club looks so legit.

teacherwoman 10:21 AM, August 02, 2009  

Great photos! And, the life jackets are puzzling. Hmm.

the.mrrr 8:09 AM, August 03, 2009  

I think I saw some random life jackets floating in the water near the end of the swim (I was in the 2nd to last wave and slow on the swim) so they may have just been bringing out loose life jackets that were floating in the water.

Greenking17 "TRI-harder" 12:45 PM, August 03, 2009  

nice work with your students!! Did they have fun? Your legs get incrreasingly 'nicer' as the season goes on, you should be proud!!

Boys Athletic Shoes 5:58 AM, August 05, 2009  

Looks like everybody's having fun, nice shoes also, they're all wearing comfy sport shoes.

Anonymous,  3:35 PM, August 06, 2009  

So, I don't know which is worse...the fact that you spend time photo-shopping out the boy bits (aka junk) or that I then have to study said photo-shopped areas to see what a great job you did...

sRod 5:56 PM, August 14, 2009  

This is the tri that keeps on giving pictures! Great shots...even if some are nut shots.

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