Guess Who Showed Up To Sabotage My Intervals?...

>> Monday, April 22, 2013

Last week I hit the track for some intervals. I was planning on 3 or 4 1600s with 2:00 rest between.

I ran the first one very evenly: 2:50 + 2:50 = 5:40.

Before I had a chance to start the second one, I spotting a familiar figure heading towards me on the track. A chill ran down my spine and entered my anus.

Holy crap. It was Devon Palmer. The pro triathlete who "called out" my relay team to a race at the upcoming Gear West Duathlon. He's showing his face at MY track? Bitch.

He ran up to me and just stood there, trying to intimidate me:

I just stood there and stared back:

And then just to be "friendly," we got a photo together:


After all of that unpleasantness, it was time for Devon to start his workout and for me to continue mine. I figured I should now do 4 intervals because Devon and I stood there for like 3 minutes like this, and I had too long of a break after my first interval:

So much drama.

So after just over a 5 minute break, I was back to running 1600s. Because I had to show Devon who's the boss, my next 800 was a little faster. (In fact, my first 400 of this interval was 1:19, or 5:16 / mile pace.)

#2: 2:43 + 2:45 = 5:28

#3: 2:44 + 2:45 = 5:29

#4: 2:47 + 2:43 = 5:30

That's an average of 5:31.75 / 1600 for those 4 intervals. That's 2 seconds slower than a few weeks ago, but I did an extra interval this time! Overall, pretty consistent. I'll take it.

I was ready to go take Devon out during his 10 x 800 workout, but a bunch of kids had just shown up on the track and in the stadium:

I'm not afraid to cut a bitch, but I'm not about to expose kids to my homicidal rage. I can repress that a little longer for their sake. Call me weak. I think having a child has changed me.

Watch it Palmer. I'll get you next time. Oh, and you'd run faster if you did stare at me the whole time while grabbing your junk:

Devon still running as I was heading home. Nasty heel-striker.

If you missed Saturday's post, scroll down or click here for info on a Sony MP3 GIVEAWAY!

Trash-talk timeline:
#1: Being called out to have a race.
#2: My history at the GW Du, and realizing Pete and I are toast.
#3: Devon announces Ben Kampf as his runner.
#4: Me fighting back.
#5: Trash-talking tweets - I think I won that battle. Maybe.
#6: Announcing the "equalizer" format! Pete and I stand a chance!


Kimberly 6:26 AM, April 22, 2013  

Figgin' love this. That is all.

David 7:50 AM, April 22, 2013  

Can't. Stop. Laughing.

Anonymous,  1:19 PM, April 22, 2013  

Hahahah. This made my day.

Anonymous,  5:54 PM, April 23, 2013  

You are too funny. :)

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