Update to Last Post

>> Thursday, November 24, 2011

In yesterday's post, I showed this awesome photo:

In that photo, I speculated that pro triathlete Linsey Corbin was the one with her phone over her face as she took a picture. Well, I checked the pictures she's uploaded to her twitter page, and I found this one:

Linsey's caption: "And the final finisher crosses @ IMAZ. Unreal!!"

What a moment! Scroll down to yesterday's post for more of this story.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!


Tracey 10:13 AM, November 24, 2011  

I finished just 30 seconds in front of her. It was my first IM and I was trying hard to hear my name and the song that was playing. Let me tell you...that finish chute was DEAFENING when I went down. It literally hurt my ears and I couldn't hear a thing. I went up to Mike Reilly a few minutes later and hugged him and told him I'd waited a long time to hear him call me an Ironman. It was an incredible night.

Unknown 12:01 PM, November 24, 2011  

All I an say is WOW. And it is incredible that all the pros wait and see the final finishers. That is what makes this sport special. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Steve!

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