Skullcandy Headphones Giveaway! x2!

>> Monday, November 21, 2011

Skullcandy sent me 2 pairs of headphones to tryout / giveaway, and I thought I could give BOTH pairs away. They are both "sporty" and really meant to stay in place.

Note: I don't really run, race, or train with music. (Note previous posts regarding that topic HERE and HERE. Those posts and comments were an interesting discussion about pros and cons or training / racing with music.) But just because I don't run with music doesn't mean other people don't. So I thought I'd pass the goodies on to my readers!! In fact, the last time I used my (really old) iPod was about a year ago when I was listening to music while finishing remodeling a guest room before Henry came into our life.

Oooh! I said "Henry!" That means I get to pause and post 6 gratuitously adorable recent Henry photos:

Friday night bath!

Baby buns! (Yes, I'm usually topless at home.)

Pharmie and Henry post-bath

Pharmie and Henry getting bundled up for literally
"running errands" on a run together Saturday morning

5 month old Henry is practically bigger than his 2 year old cousin!

"Hat Time" with Daddy yesterday morning!

OK, ok, ok.... that's enough Henry. For now. Back to the giveaway....

Here's what Skullcandy has for me to giveaway: it's 2 pairs of the 2011 FIX Earbuds:

Red on Black

Black on Black

They are both a $40 value. They are designed to stay "FIXED" in place. (Get it? They're called "FIX.") They have a control switch on the cord that lets you skip forward and back through your songs, as well as control the volume. AND they have a built in microphone so you can take calls by talking into the cord instead of getting your phone out of it's holster as you're running! (Or if you have a new iPhone, you can ask Siri how to get home.) Here's some of the details from their site:

- Hook Design for Secure Fit
- Rear Acoustic Port for Deep Bass
- In-Line Mic3
- Carry Case
- Passive Noise Isolation
- Mic + Control Switch + Volume

Skullcandy has 2 great warranties. First they have the Aggressive Listening Discount where they say "if your headphones broke because of a crazy crash on the mountain or a violent head-banging session, or any other reason that is not a product defect, we'll still hook you up with 50% off a replacement in our online store." Ha! And the second warranty is for if the product breaks for no good reason - they will send you a voucher to replace the defective product with a product of equal value.

Here are photos of the Black and Red FIX headphones in my kitchen:

I'm doing this giveaway a little differently. I'm giving away one set of headphones here on my blog, and another set on twitter.


JUST LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS POST!! Yep, that's it. Ba-da-bing: you're in the running to possibly win 1 set of the headphones. I'll randomly pick one comment to win.


FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER AND SEND OUT THE FOLLOWING TWEET. I'll randomly pick the winner for the red headphones from among the tweets that say this:

Hey @SteveinaSpeedo, enter me to win the sweet red @Skullcandy FIX headphones! -

Then check back early next week (Nov 28 or 29th) to see if I draw your name as 1 of the 2 the winners! Heck, it's possible to win both pairs if you comment and tweet and are super super super super super lucky.

Legal junk:
- Just like in all of my giveaways, Skullcandy has only given me these headphones; they have not asked or told me to say anything else. All of these thoughts are my own.
- When you leave a comment, please "sign" your name if you don't have a blogger account, otherwise it will be hard to figure out who you are if you're one of the winners. For example, say something like "It's Steve S. from St. Paul. I want those headphones!"
- I'll assign all entries a number (for both the blog comments and the twitter entries) and then use (or other random number generating scheme) to pick a winner at random.
- If I can't get a hold of the winner(s) in 3 days, I'll re-draw for a new winner(s). So make sure to CHECK BACK early next week!

I'll ship anywhere, so if you can read this, you can enter!

So comment now! Right here! And send a tweet if you want a chance to win another set! Do it before Sunday the 27th! Thanks everyone! And thanks Skullcandy!! Happy Monday!!

Oh, and one final thing for the locals: this past weekend was the "Minnesota Multisport Awards" ceremony. Here are the results with a listing of who won. Some of my "Kitten Mile" buddies cleaned house...


Nick 8:55 AM, November 21, 2011  

I don't listen to music while I run normally, but there is a lot of treadmill time in my future, so I'll need something to keep me from getting bored.

Kevin 8:56 AM, November 21, 2011  

Sound like a good pair of headphones

Anthony Varney 8:58 AM, November 21, 2011  

I'm always looking for a good set of headphones. I haven't found a set yet that holds up well enough!

Mark 9:04 AM, November 21, 2011  

Your son can really take some provocative photos... that goldfish just happens to be held in the perfect spot.... He must get it from his dad! Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennifer 9:05 AM, November 21, 2011  

I need these! No, I do. For real. Consider this my entry PLEASE!!!
PS - the Henry pics=awesome and Pharmie, lookin' good Mama!

YNWA Steve,  9:09 AM, November 21, 2011  

Comment! Woot. Headphones!

Jen @ Jen and Company 9:12 AM, November 21, 2011  

Hey Steve! Bummed I couldn't be at the MMA awards. I was thrilled my hubby was able to pick up the Trinona award. When are you going to come down to Winona?

MnTriMoose 9:14 AM, November 21, 2011  

Weened myself from running with headphones but still need something to drowned out the kids from time to time...

Nathaniel 9:15 AM, November 21, 2011  

Awesome set of headphones. Would love a pair.

Kathy from Toronto 9:16 AM, November 21, 2011  

I have itty bitty ears. Hope skull candy fit me!

SKMDT 9:20 AM, November 21, 2011  

I need new headphones. This is my comment.

Jody W.,  9:25 AM, November 21, 2011  

My headphones just broke. I only get sound in my left ear and everything sounds weird. Clearly, that is a sign that I should win these.

Chu 9:28 AM, November 21, 2011  

I'm in for some new headphones!

Matt 9:33 AM, November 21, 2011  

I could use some new headphones, thanks for offering them, if anyone need a Free Garmin? you can enter to win at

Erin 9:35 AM, November 21, 2011  

Need these for working out while my son naps!

Travis 9:36 AM, November 21, 2011  

Sweet phones, count me in for a comment (and awesomely cute photos of little Henry - as per usual)

Ironmom (Julie) 9:36 AM, November 21, 2011  

That is one cute baby. And thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown 9:37 AM, November 21, 2011  

seriously, Henry is so adorable.
Lovely baby bunz too~

Andy 9:38 AM, November 21, 2011  

Steve. Please post more topless photos or yourself. Thanks!

Dwayne 9:43 AM, November 21, 2011  

Winning these would be great as my current headphones are falling apart!

Tri Girl Tri! 9:47 AM, November 21, 2011  

I am not normally one to listen to music but I turn into a wimp once it gets cold and head to the treadmill. And music in the gym eliminates the sounds that others make on the treadmill!

Carolina John 9:51 AM, November 21, 2011  

Nice! I've seen those headphones. Cool stuff. I"m not on twitter though.

B 9:52 AM, November 21, 2011  

I want some Candy!

m 9:53 AM, November 21, 2011  

Only listin when I lift not really run hey my $8 ones are shot

Kim 9:53 AM, November 21, 2011  

aw i love henry!

yay for contests!

maija 9:58 AM, November 21, 2011  

the other day i got my first inner ear static shock from headphones. intense.

Nitsirk 10:04 AM, November 21, 2011  

I'd love a new pair of headphones. I only use them on the treadmill but I need them so I can watch TV without waking my toddler!

Smithers 10:12 AM, November 21, 2011  

Pick me!

Oh...and the Henry photos are stinkin' adorable.

Robyn 10:17 AM, November 21, 2011  

I don't run with them, but I sometimes use them at work!

bethtrue 10:22 AM, November 21, 2011  

What a cool give-away - I'm in! This is Beth B. from Encinitas, CA. Cute baby picts; gotta love the naked baby buns.

bectom1 10:25 AM, November 21, 2011  

Pick me! Pick me! Please!

caasen 10:30 AM, November 21, 2011  

Hi Steve I could use these! I am always sticking my ear buds back in while I run.

BigNate 10:33 AM, November 21, 2011  

I'd like to win Steve, count me in for one entry.

Kimberly 10:37 AM, November 21, 2011  

Nice. The headphones and the photos.

Nelson 10:38 AM, November 21, 2011  

Comment and a tweet, look at me all tech social.

corey 10:47 AM, November 21, 2011  

What's that Henry? Yes I agree, your father should pick me for the headphones. Both pairs? You are adorable!

Steel Springs 10:55 AM, November 21, 2011  

These look great! I've been looking for a new pair of headphones.

Lesley 10:56 AM, November 21, 2011  

Henry is cute as a button. The earphones are pretty sweet too!
Lesley S

Jillann 11:04 AM, November 21, 2011  

Headphones are the only way to do the treadmill! I would love to win these!

Brent 11:19 AM, November 21, 2011  

I could use some new headphones. Thanks for the contest Steve!

Brent from Minneapolis

A-Diddy 11:22 AM, November 21, 2011  

I am in the market for some new running headphones and these would be awesome!

The Triathlon Rx 11:28 AM, November 21, 2011  

My music-listening patterns depend on whether my wko is indoors or out, whether I'm feeling good or having an off day, and the mode of sweat production. :)

That being said, I'm always losing/breaking headphones, so enter me please!

Darren 11:47 AM, November 21, 2011  

I really need some new headphones, my wife is always using mine

Unknown 11:50 AM, November 21, 2011  

This is Matt W. from Zeeland and I would love a pair of headphones!

:) 11:52 AM, November 21, 2011  

Sign me up for the headphones.
Thanks for the blog! -Liz

WiReifer 11:54 AM, November 21, 2011  

Just go ahead and ask for my address because this where the headphones are coming!

Amanda 11:57 AM, November 21, 2011  

Ooohhh - pick me! My husband would love me forever if I got these for him! - Amanda B.

Josh Brown 12:10 PM, November 21, 2011  

Bike trainer + free headphones = yup, still boring.

Daniela,  12:40 PM, November 21, 2011  

Excellent giveaway! I only listen to music/podcasts when I run on the treadmill... or when I workout in the gym... or when I do laundry and other boring stuff.

KodaFit 1:14 PM, November 21, 2011  

My current headphones are getting a little iffy...

Can we assume both pairs of these are ear wax free?

Chris 1:19 PM, November 21, 2011  

I've been reading for a long time, but this is my first attempt to enter the give away.

longrun4fun 1:19 PM, November 21, 2011  

You got a cute kid. Now send me my headphones. :)

Marcus,  1:20 PM, November 21, 2011  

I would love a new pair of headphones. Mine really such for staying in my ears. Thanks for a very entertaining blog.

Chris 1:27 PM, November 21, 2011  

Need candy for my skull!

Badgergirl 1:30 PM, November 21, 2011  

I could use a new pair of headphones for my iPod! Great photos of Henry!

Mark 1:33 PM, November 21, 2011  

I Like candy, put me down for the black ones.

Dan Isaacs 1:58 PM, November 21, 2011  

disaacs on Facebook and @danisaacs inform you of their desire to possess these headphones.

Tri Girl 1:58 PM, November 21, 2011  

I'll take candy from strangers!!!

Rizel 2:00 PM, November 21, 2011  

ohhh..I would love to win these!

Brian in Little Rock,  2:06 PM, November 21, 2011  

Cool headphones

Jay,  2:12 PM, November 21, 2011  

Just broke my headphones. Perfect timing. Thanks Steve

deet 2:29 PM, November 21, 2011  

Thanks for your comments! Have a great day!

Unknown 2:53 PM, November 21, 2011  

I want candy for my brain case!

Distance Dave 3:04 PM, November 21, 2011  

I would be inspired to run with nifty skullcandy headphones....I hope.

Jen in Ohio,  3:24 PM, November 21, 2011  

I'd love to win these!!

Cinthia 4:05 PM, November 21, 2011  

Wow, Henry's getting big!

I NEED headphones. Living in the miserable weather conditions of rural Alaska, the treadmill has become my new BFF, sigh, sigh.

Cheers and happy running,

Anonymous,  4:24 PM, November 21, 2011  

Another great giveway! Thanks Steve.

Anonymous,  5:18 PM, November 21, 2011  

The pics of Henry are adorable. His little hat is a RIOT!!!! And I think I see lat muscles....he's built for power! Also Pharmie looks like a million bucks!! Oh and ps I have my own headphones...I had to comment because of that little hat!!! Lisa s

Unknown 5:25 PM, November 21, 2011  

My son is getting an MP3 player for Christmas and he would LOVE these headphones to go with it! Thanks for the chance to win a pair :)

kissyjensen at gmail dot com

Anonymous,  6:07 PM, November 21, 2011  

always can use some new headphones!

Valerie 6:24 PM, November 21, 2011  

Cool headphones! Enter me to win, please!!

Buck Rogers 6:43 PM, November 21, 2011  

I could use a pair that has a mic iinline and stays fixed!

Henry is too cute

Leah 7:13 PM, November 21, 2011  

Run bike and swim to tunes...makes the time fly by!

Dave 7:18 PM, November 21, 2011  

Love music, hate my current headphones. Here's hoping I get lucky!

David A. from Tallahassee

D Nyce 7:22 PM, November 21, 2011  

Come on... let me finally win one of these things. :)


Rachel 7:39 PM, November 21, 2011  

Ooh awesome giveaway! And I can't resist a super cute baby bottom. So many 'awwws' coming from this side of the computer screen. You boy is adorable! (and I really mean it, especially if it helps me win) :)

Anna 8:13 PM, November 21, 2011  

pick me! pick me!
anna from monticello ia

Sage 8:23 PM, November 21, 2011  

Sounds good! Sign me up.

spartygrl13 9:27 PM, November 21, 2011  

Pick me, my headphones are crap and can only hear out of one ear!!

Martin 9:38 PM, November 21, 2011  

Love to win a pair of running earphones! Love your blog Steve, Henry's turning out to be a real charmer. Like or unlike his Dad? Hahaha cheers!

Anonymous,  9:46 PM, November 21, 2011  

Those headphones sure look like they have my name written all over them....

Mike S. in Mankato, MN

DontJudgeMyADD 10:06 PM, November 21, 2011  

I've torn through a couple pair of cheap headphones and would love a chance at the skull candiy buds! Thanks!

TriMOEngr 10:23 PM, November 21, 2011  

I'm a follower, but not a tweeter. Always game for some fantastic Henry pics and free headphones though.

Laure 6:18 AM, November 22, 2011  

I was never able to find earphones that remain in my ears - I would love to try thoses ones!! Candy to my ears.... :)

Laure, French Triathlete in Charlotte, NC

Laure 6:18 AM, November 22, 2011  
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Laure 6:18 AM, November 22, 2011  
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Laure 6:18 AM, November 22, 2011  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laure 6:18 AM, November 22, 2011  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laure 6:18 AM, November 22, 2011  
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jody 7:04 AM, November 22, 2011  

Oh my goodness Henry is so darn cute! I'd love to win some headphones.

Carla 7:27 AM, November 22, 2011  

Henry is a cutie! I'd love the earphones.

Casey 8:39 AM, November 22, 2011  

My ears need some love.....great blog!

Anonymous,  9:19 AM, November 22, 2011  

Those headphones sound awesome. :)

Michael Green 10:14 AM, November 22, 2011  

Cool, count me in I love skull candy head phones.
Especially when biking through NYC.

Chad 1:11 PM, November 22, 2011  

Good looking earphones!

Unknown 2:10 PM, November 22, 2011  

Don't usually listen to music while running, but on the long runs, a few tunes can make the time pass nicely.


Eva W.,  2:15 PM, November 22, 2011  

I love Henry and I love the headphones! As I can't have Henry, I would love to have the headphones :)

Eva W. from Munich, Germany

Golden Sundrop 2:16 PM, November 22, 2011  

i wants some headphones. enter me please!!

Rachel R. 2:53 PM, November 22, 2011  

I would love to win one of these, thanks for the chance to win!
rachelsgiveaways @

Hugh 3:16 PM, November 22, 2011  

Happy Thanksgiving Steve!!!

Ann 4:06 PM, November 22, 2011  

Enter me in the contest, please! :)

Lauren H,  8:59 PM, November 22, 2011  

Aww yea, those look way less painful than the ones I currently shove in my ears!

crossn81 9:22 PM, November 22, 2011  

These sound like really nice earphones

angie 12:17 AM, November 23, 2011  

I would love it if you picked me! I'm trying so hard to become a runner, and I think this is just the item I'm missing. Or not. Either way, I'd love to win!

Anonymous,  8:51 AM, November 23, 2011  

I would love to win these! (PS Your son is way too cute!)

Anonymous,  9:17 AM, November 23, 2011  

I have such a hard time finding earbuds that don;t hurt my ears, I would love to give these a try!

Anonymous,  9:19 AM, November 23, 2011  

Pick me! Pick me! My cats have eaten my headphones!. Thanks!

Kami Dibble

RedRock88 9:55 AM, November 23, 2011  

Please count me in for the Skull Candy giveaway. I only listen in one ear while training (none racing), and it helps drown out the crackling pops/snaps of my old knees. Happy trails!

Suzy 12:44 PM, November 23, 2011  

I'm entering on behalf of my hubby. Every year he asks Santa for new earphones so this is perfect timing. :),  1:34 PM, November 23, 2011  

Hi there
Its Michael S from Denmark

looove your blog and i would love theese headphones...

BaRd 3:00 PM, November 23, 2011  

Free headphones! Horray!

Rachel Elizabeth 3:13 PM, November 23, 2011  

Enter me for the headphones please!!

wronskian 8:56 PM, November 23, 2011  

i go through headphones a few times a year, so i could use these!

Unknown 8:35 AM, November 24, 2011  

A perfect give away to help while away the time on the turbo trainer :-)

Anonymous,  4:37 PM, November 24, 2011  

My skull really needs some candy. Thanks Steve!

Anonymous,  10:54 PM, November 24, 2011  

I wanna get my "Fix" on!!

Tiffany Mattes 11:09 PM, November 24, 2011  

My husband said I had to do this :)

Ed 4:06 PM, November 25, 2011  

I totally need those! Hook me up :)

Kris 4:09 PM, November 25, 2011  

Toss my name in for some headphones please! And thanks!

Trish 5:10 PM, November 25, 2011  

You have a beautiful family! And I totally need a new pair of headphones! My dog ate mine. No, really :)

Kristin,  5:18 PM, November 25, 2011  

Pick me! Pick me! Sunday is my birthday, and it would be a great present to finally win a blog giveaway!

Tracy S 8:35 PM, November 25, 2011  

I'd sooo love a set of daughters keep stealing mine, lol.

BTW, Henry has the cutest baby booty ever :)

Anonymous,  9:25 PM, November 25, 2011  

Love reading the blog. Always makes me anxious for next years Tris. And the headphones would be cool too.

Mike Craig

R. Abney 9:57 PM, November 25, 2011  

Sweet headphones for using while doing off-season work in the gym!

Loclyn T,  12:32 AM, November 26, 2011  

I love skull candy headphones and my last pair just broke so i would love to win these!

My Boring Triathlon Blog 5:13 AM, November 26, 2011  

wow 140 comments

you're one popular blogger

Anonymous,  7:12 AM, November 26, 2011  

What? Chance for free stuff AND cute pictures of Henry? New fave!

Thanks, Steve!

K in Jupiter

KJR 1:59 PM, November 26, 2011  

I like Skull Candy headphones!

Anonymous,  8:59 PM, November 26, 2011  

I have been trying to find headphones that DO NOT fall out of my ears. I would love to win a pair of these!

Jen H.
Streetsboro, OH

Deb G,  9:17 PM, November 26, 2011  

Better late than never to enter. It'd be sweet to win.

K 11:12 AM, November 27, 2011  


OzarkTri 11:23 AM, November 27, 2011  

I hope it isn't too late to enter... K is kinda hot ^^^^

Luis Fernando Oliveira 4:59 PM, November 27, 2011  

Man, will I ever win any of your giveaways? This would be a good one.

Thomas 5:47 AM, November 28, 2011  

Great giveaway - just in time for Xmas
Thanks Steve

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