Wet Intervals at the Track

>> Monday, June 24, 2024

It's been raining a lot here in MN lately. I've been lucky to avoid MOST of the rain, but my intervals last week were in the middle of 12 hours of rain - no avoiding it.

Well... off to the track! I guess.

I was thinking about doing some 800s and 400s, and thought I'd do 4x800 then 4x400, but I saw I did that workout recently in early May. So I went for the more brutal 4 x (800 meters then 400 meters) with 2:00 rest between everything that I haven't done since early April.

I didn't look back at any previous times, so I just wanted to go suffer. I figured times could be slow in the rain and with the high humidity, so there were not specific time goals. Just pain.

I was PRETTY happy with my first 800 clocking in at 2:36 - I recalled starting with a 2:41 last year, and a 2:39 earlier this year. So maybe the rain wasn't getting to me as much as I thought! My socks didn't start slipping around in my shoes until about half-way through the workout, and I didn't feel like my shoes were soaked through and heavy until about the last 2 intervals.

I had a nice descend going in my 800s as I started my final 800, and I told myself "forget about the fact that you have another 400 left after this - run this 800 HARD and then just do what you can for that last 400!" Well, I lost my perfect descend for my 800s by 0.1 seconds. Damn.

1:17 + 1:18 = 2:36.5

1:17 + 1:17 = 2:34.9

1:17 + 1:16 = 2:33.3

1:17 + 1:15 = 2:33.4


Yep, that looks about right.

This is funny. The 8 BLUES are my intervals, GREEN is walking
between, and ORANGE is "idle." You can see the later intervals
have more "idle" time as I was finishing each and dying.

Soaked back home.

So wet lately that the neighbors pile of mulch (IN THE SUN) is now a mushroom farm.

And then that night, I watched the Olympic Trials, and saw the 10,000 meters on the track which had men going 25 laps with lap times all faster than my 1 or 2 lap intervals:

Depressing. :)


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