Brian Kraft 5K Splits Over the Years

>> Saturday, June 08, 2024

In my Brian Kraft 5K race report, I shared a graph of my recent splits at the race. Just for (nerdy) fun, I took a look at 6 out of the 7 times I did BK 5K to compare their splits - the only one I had to exclude was my first time doing it in 2012 because it was before I had my Garmin and was able to take half-mile splits. Here's my last 6 times doing this race:

I like nerdy things like this, but I guess nothing REALLY stands out.

This year's race had some fast splits, but that's obvious becuase it was my lifetime PR. Five out of my 6 splits last month are faster than all but TWO of the previous 30 splits! That's something!! In other words, of my 7 fastest splits (out of 36 total at this race), 5 of those were from 1 fast race.

And 5 of my 6 splits were the fastest that half-mile split had ever been at the race for me!

And I noted in my race report that I wasn't going to let my 3rd split be as slow as it was the year before, and I succeeded there! Notice on the graph that the red 2023 split #3 was the slowest ever (even though it was my 2nd fastest overall finishing time on the graph), but then the blue 2024 #3 split was the fastest ever.

Hoping to keep the running strong this year!!


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