First Big 'Summer' Swim

>> Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Last week was the first week of FREEDOM for my boys! So I took advantage of it with my swim.

Normally (to fit my swim in), I get up super early when the pool opens to swim and get back home to get the boys up and ready for school. Or I drop them off a bit early at school, and then swim until the pool closes. Either way, I get about 50 mins at the pool.

But this time I swam for an hour because I had nothing to get home for. I did my normal 3x400 and 3x200 workout, but early on in the workout I thought "what if I add another 3x100 at the end to continue the 'cut the distance in half' idea of the workout?!?" So that's what I did:

This graph shows "lengths" and rests:
142 lengths which includes a "length" for each rest as well.

Here's the workout highlighted in 3 different colors:

The 400s, then 200s, then 100s.

The "usual" version of this workout is 3x400 and 3x200. The 400s are a 400, 2x200, and 4x100. And then the 200s are a 200, 2x100, and 4x50. I do that workout a lot, and I gave a lot more details in this post a few years back.

And then I added 100s of a 100, 2x50, and 4x25. I can't say for sure, but I don't think I've ever done 25s before. If I HAVE, it's been swimming with Julia 15 years ago. It beat me up! This fried me! Notice the last length of my "3x200" block didn't have the spike in speed that the other 200s had - I was starting to die! (In a good way!)

With a warm-up and cool-down (and some kick drills just after the 25s near the end), I hit 2900 yards in just over an hour.


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