Race Photos from the 2024 Get In Gear 5K and 10K

>> Monday, June 10, 2024

Twin Cities in Motion recently shared another album of photos from the 2024 Get in Gear 10K from the end of April. I shared some in a post last month that had a lot from the middle of the half marathon.

Some of my teammates pre-race!

I forgot how wet it was that day.


Close up of that last photo: there's teammate Tom!

About 0.2 miles into the race.

Starting the 5K after the 10K runners were cleared out.

A speedy 10Ker.

Danny D - always flying!

Winning female!

I get this face.

I like her style.

That's Bobby P on the far left in black.

No dabbing. This isn't 2016.

Mom's thrilled. Daughter's not so sure.

Charlie after finishing his 5K in his top hat! NICE JOB CHARLIE!!!

From the toddler races!

My friend Suzie and her family! These 3 photos are cute. It was her son's first "race."

Suzie hadn't seen these, so I was happy I passed them along to her!

Lots of "big sister" energy here!

Pacer Mike!

A nice shot of a mom from my boys's school! (To make up for the one she hated from mid-race.)

Is this the former TC in Motion director Virginia?

Another mom from my boys's school! (Again, to make up for a shot of her butt.)

If you missed it, here's my 2024 Get in Gear 10K race report that was a PR!


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