Biking to School(s)

>> Thursday, May 02, 2024

Yesterday was my first day without class! Finals wrapped up earlier this week! So the boys and I had time to bike to school:

Practicing "no hands" with Henry off in the distance.

After that, I biked in to work to do some final grading and be part of a department potluck lunch. So I grabbed my "commuter" bike (leaving the mountain bike that I ususally use for commuting) so I could put my food for the potluck in the basket:

Ready to leave home.

Parked in my shared office later.

I'll be heading back to finish some grading today, but I'm not sure I'll be biking - it's now STRANGE to show up there by car! I biked every week since our Jamaica trip in January! I only didn't bike to class 2 days: one because I had to get to a vet appointment RIGHT before class with our new kitten, and once because I-don't-know-why (I didn't note it in my training log). But I biked through sun and rain and snow and ice otherwise! I've gotten in a few "training" rides when the weather has been nice, but the majority of my 514 total outdoor miles so far in 2024 have been commuting.


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