Week in Review: Lots of Biking!

>> Thursday, May 23, 2024

Last week was just a nice, solid week of training. Here’s what it looked like in my training log:

Here’s the breakdown:

• MON: long run, legs, and biking with Henry during his long run. Felt a little heavy and sluggish on my run, so backed off for a few days.

• TUES: normal swim, biked to and from school with boys, and normal upper body. Nice rides with the boys, but nothing else fancy about this day.

• WED: easy run, decent legs and core.

• THURS: normal upper body, then bike intervals. I posted about the bike intervals earlier this week - that was a nice effort.

• FRI: intervals on the track, biked to and from school with boys, and good legs and core. I wrote about this new interval workout in the same post about bike intervals. This workout was a hard one that was good for me!

• SAT: decent/normal upper body, and long ride. This ride had no goal - I just “rode.” I didn’t want to overdo it on a week that started feeling kind of beat up. And the previous 2 days had bike intervals and track intervals. I KINDA kept the pace up, but didn’t focus on going too hard. Here I am around mile 25 looking out over Pickerel Lake near the Mississippi:

Splits 1-6 are all automatic 5-mile splits, then 7-8 are up Ramsey Hill.

It ended up being 37 miles at 19.7 mph (I was just over 20 mph at downtown St. Paul just before split #6 [mile 30]), but then the climb through the edge of downtown and up Ramsey knocked it down to 19.7 for the rest of the ride.

• SUN: core, and a short ride to the track. Henry did a track workout, and I biked with him to the track.

I NEARLY hit 100 miles of biking on the week: 99.10 miles! In the saddle every day by Wednesday (but only “training” on Thurs and Sat). And my swim and run totals are normal, with a decent amount of strength time (a total that would have been huge 2 years ago, but that’s a bit more normal these last few months).


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