Backing Off This Week

>> Thursday, May 16, 2024

I wrote about some good workouts in a post on Monday, and I noted feeling pretty pooped. I took a look at the last few weeks of "intensity minutes" according to my Garmin. Here's what the last 4 full weeks look like, with a smaller week in the middle because the Get in Gear 10K was in there:

So the week of the Get in Gear 10K was shorter, but 3 of the last 4 weeks were nearly 1800 intensity minutes! Those are 3 of my top 4 biggest weeks ever, and they are 3 out of 4 that have been over 1700 minutes:

Gentle upward trend. This last year is an average of 1359 minutes/week
(465 moderate minutes, and 2x 447 vigorous minutes = 1359).

Well, Monday's long run was slightly on the shorter side. It felt crappy from the start, but my "pace miles" in the middle were OK: 36:57 for my 6 middle miles (6:09.5/mile pace). Tuesday was nothing fancy. Wednesday was a nice easy run - I had a good stretch last night as well. I'm NOT looking at "intensity minutes" this week and just trying to back off a bit. I'm already feeling a lot better.

Now... maybe some intensity these next 2 days again... ;)


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