Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Another "Intensity Minutes" PR

>> Wednesday, March 20, 2024

I noted 2 weeks ago that I had back-to-back PRs for my weekly intensity minutes. Well, after a slightly smaller week, I hit another PR last week.

I had a big start to the week having nearly 800 minutes after 2 days! Then I had another big day on Wednesday to go over 1100 minutes in 3 days! AT THAT POINT, I started to take it easy as I was concerned I could drive myself into the ground. So Thursday was a shorter swim. Friday was some intervals at the track, but nothing else was too intense. Saturday was a normal upper body workout and then a shorter ride. I ended up with 1765 intensity minutes for the week, which beat out my previous PR by over 80 minutes:

Last week was big, the week before was a bit smaller, and then the 2 weeks before that were also big.

The last 12 weeks on the same scale. Three out of the last 4 weeks stand out as my biggest weeks ever.

(The scale SEEMS smaller on the first 8 weeks up there, but that's because the graph went up to 1500 minutes, whereas the final 4 weeks have a graph that goes up to 1800 minutes.)

These next 3 weeks are going to be really "odd" because of different reasons, so I'll have to see how they end up stacking up with regards to intensity minutes. I don't have any goals for my minutes over these next few weeks, and I'll just be curious to see how they turn out.


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