Interval Ride Down the (More Open) Greenway

>> Saturday, March 09, 2024

A few days after my first outdoor 36+ mile ride of 2024 I found myself getting outside again. I went out for 3x5 mile intervals on a cool breezy 44 degree day.

I didn't have many expectations - I was just using this as an excuse to ride hard. The Greenway Trail can be busy, but I figured this day would be perfect because it was cool enough to keep more casual athletes off the trail. It was a nice afternoon for me to ride fast! Here's my boring-looking map (that was out-and-back-and-out-and-back):

My 1st and 3rd intervals started on the Sabo Bridge
(upper right), and my 2nd interval ended at the lower left.

My 1st and 3rd intervals ended at the upper right climbing the new
bridge, and my 2nd interval started farther west and climbed over the bridge.

The "detour" section was SLOW!...

... in fact, the "detour" had a "detour!"
(Notice where it used to go to the right.)

But the good news is that the bridge out by the Nordic Ware plant (near Hwy 100) that has been a BIG detour for the last few summers was completed! After I crossed it after my final interval, I rode a little more before turning around and getting a few pics of it:

Bridge in the distance, angling across the road and RR tracks.

Closer to the bridge, looking east towards downtown.

On the bridge, looking back to the west.

How were my intervals? Not bad. There was a wind from the west, so #1 and #3 were slow because of that, and #2 was faster. And that quick 1/3 mile detour around the construction took a hit out of each split as well:

#1: 14:36, 20.5 mph
(20.8 mph half way, down to 20.4 after construction at mile 4)

2:55 easy, 0.84 miles, 17.2 mph

#2: 13:22, 22.4 mph
(22.7 mph first mile before construction, 21.2 mph after construction, 21.6 mph half way)

2:56 easy, 0.73 miles, 14.8 mph

#3: 14:15, 21.0 mph
(21.2 mph half way, 21.0 after construction, up to 21.1 before climbing the new bridge and ending interval at the top)

20.2 mph overall average at mile 20 just after finishing the three intervals

It was a good "start" to outdoor training, but I need to stop thinking like "oh yay me that I got out so early - anything I do is great right now!" Instead I need to make sure I'm putting forth solid efforts!


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